Anonymous ID: e9d027 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:50 a.m. No.3831571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1576 >>1578 >>1595 >>1599 >>1824


Thinking of people who share a single characteristic as being all the same is collectivist groupthink, and those who are here posting these "boomer" rants are displaying their brainwashed minds.


People are all individuals, at every age range, in every religious group, within every phenotype and among every nationality. Some generalizations can be made, but predictions about how any group may or may not react are inherently flawed due to the individuality of the members of said group.


Groups cannot exist without individuals comprising them, but individuals can and always do exist outside of group constraints. Q has said several times to look upon people as individuals and not to fall for collectivist groupthink (paraphrased, not his exact words.)


FWIW, if you research into which zodiacal sign Pluto was posited over time, then observe how people born during that time tend to access or surrender their power, you will learn far more than by simply accepting some demographer's choices for "generations."

Anonymous ID: e9d027 Nov. 10, 2018, 3:21 a.m. No.3831681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This anon is correct: Every. Single. Time.

SSRIs may be helpful for some people, but for others SSRIs are a death knell for them and often also for family, friends, neighbors or strangers.


Dr. Russell Blaylock has lectured for decades on how nutrition affects behavior, and publicizes research which links sugar metabolism with crime, antisocial behavior, depression and SSRI use. There is solid science behind this, but it's being suppressed by those who want to retain SSRIs as a convenient way to manufacture mass murder on demand.

Anonymous ID: e9d027 Nov. 10, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.3831705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1709 >>1758


>>Just saying that a lot of childish/Peter Pan stuff seemed to happen with baby boomers first. Abortion, birth control, divorce, hedonistic entertainment all came in droves under their watch.


Pluto in Leo - Leo is the ruler and also the baby of the zodiac (some would argue Aries as baby). Those born while Pluto was in Leo use their sexuality and impulses to express/abdicate their power.

Anonymous ID: e9d027 Nov. 10, 2018, 3:38 a.m. No.3831759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1762 >>1785


That stereotype is one-sided and doesn't encompass the positive side of boomer generation… Leo = creativity (including fertility) and self-expression. Music evolved into a much more personal expression during the boomers' years as young adults, then clung to power as boomers aged (Rolling Stones and Moody Blues are STILL touring!). Fertility clinics became a "thing" during boomers' lifetimes, along with abortion clinics. BOTH sides of the coin can be seen.