Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.3836569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6631 >>7035 >>7225



Syria demands finding int’l mechanism to probe into US-led Coalition’s repeated crimes

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said Saturday that the heinous crime committed by the illegal US-led int’l coalition against civilians in Hajin village, 110 km to the east of Deir Ezzor, exposes once again the United States’ false claims of combating terrorism and demonstrates the coalition member countries’ reckless disregard for the lives of innocent people and the international laws.

This crime, the ministry added in two letters addressed to the UN Secretary-General and President of the United Nations Security Council, confirms that the US goal is killing as many Syrian people as possible and inflicting further destruction on infrastructure in the context of continuing the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the coalition. In other words, it aims at undermining Syria’s future, sovereignty and territorial integrity and hindering political settlement to the crisis in the country which constitutes a blatant breach of all UNSC resolutions on Syria.

On Friday, 9 November 2018, warplanes of the US-led coalition intendedly targeted the residential neighborhoods in Hajin town with tens of sorties claiming the lives of at least 26 civilians, most of them were women and children, in addition to injuring scores and causing huge damage to the houses, said the ministry. The ministry demanded the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibilities through a serious and an immediate action to prevent the reoccurrence of such attacks and massacres and to take necessary measures to set an independent international mechanism to probe into these crimes, condemn them and to punish perpetrators.


Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Claims Its Fighters Killed Seven Russian Service Members In Northern Hama

The Mujahedeen have many observed and ready targets and we will surprise the enemy in the right time and the right way,” Iba’a quoted al-Mahmoud as saying. The clashes ended with the failure of the terrorist attack after killing many members of the terrorist group and forcing the rest to run away leaving their weapons and equipment behind,” the SANA’s reporter in Hama said.


Nasrallah: Syria still steadfast and has not changed its resistant positions

“We are committed to the weapon of resistance and the equation of (the army, the people and the resistance),” Nasrallah said, adding: “ We will not be intimidated by threats and sanctions.”


Military Situation In Syria’s Idlib De-Escalation Zone On November 10, 2018 (Map Update)

According to recent reports, militants shelled government positions in northern Hama and western Syria causing casualties among Syrian Army personnel and local civilians. Armed groups claimed that this shelling was a response to violations of the ceasefire regime by the Syrian Army.

At the same time, it’s interesting to note that in their recent shellings of govenrment positions, militants used heavy mortars and rocket launchers. These weapons are set to be withdrawn from the demilitarized zone near Idlib under the agreement backed by Turkey and Russia. So, it seems the so-called opposition is going to continue violating the agreement and to accuse the Syrian Army of violations. It is not likely that this approach will lead to any kind of de-escalation of the situation in northwestern Syria.


Baker 1/2

Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.3836631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6656 >>7035 >>7225





Map Update: Syrian Army Once Again Renews Its Attempts To Eliminate ISIS Cells In Central Desert

Over the past few days, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies, backed up by the Russian Armed Forces, have once again renewed efforts to eliminate ISIS cells in the Homs-Dier Ezzor desert.


The Syrian Special Forces assisted by Russian troops have freed two dozens of hostages from ISIS in the area of Humaymah. The operation once again revealed that ISIS uses the US-controlled area of At Tanf as its safe haven to carry oout operations in eastern Syria;

A captured ISIS member confirmed that ISIS cells in al-Safa had received support from the US-led coalition base in At Tanf;

While the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are now carrying no ground operations against ISIS, the US-led coalition delivered several airstrikes on the town of Hajin. The airstrikes reportedly caused multiple civilian casualties;

The SAA repelled an ISIS attack in the al-Safa area. 6 SAA soldiers and 3 ISIS members were reportedly killed in the clashes;

The SAA uncovered several surface-to-air missiles abandonned by ISIS in the area of al-Mayadin in the province of Deir Ezzor.


8 Turkish-backed Militants Killed, 10 Others Wounded In New Series Of YPG Attacks In Afrin

On November 9, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) released new info about YPG attacks on Turkey-led forces in the Syrian region of Afrin. According to the YPG claims, the group’s Vengeance Unit Martyr Dilsoz attacked position of Turkish-backed groups in the village of Mihemediye. 3 members of the Sham Legion and 2 other militants were reportedly killed as well as 6 others were wounded.

Separately, the YPG’s Vengeance Unit Martyr Rusyar carried out an attack on the HQ of the Sultan Murad Division in the city center of Afrin. 3 members of the Sultan Murad Division were reportedly killed and 4 others were wounded.

On November 3, the YPG released a detailed report on its operations against the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and Turkish-backed militant grousp in Afrin in October. According to this report, the YPG carried out 19 “military operations” in the area killing 3 TAF servicemen and 39 members of Turkish-backed groups. 10 militants were repotedly injured and 8 vehicles were destroyed


US-led Coalition Reportedly Kills Dozens Of Women And Children In ISIS-Held Hajin (Photos)

More than 40 civilians were killed when US-led coalition warplanes carried out a series of heavy airstrikes on the ISIS-held town of Hajin in the middle Euphrates River Valley, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.

“More than 50 airstrikes were conducted by international coalition warplanes on Hajin in Deri Ezzor countryside yesterday,” Amaq said in a press release on November 9.

Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.3836655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7086

450 Central American Migrants Apprehended at AZ Border in 48 Hours


Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended 450 migrants, mostly from Central America, who illegally crossed the border on Tuesday and Wednesday. The migrants exploited weaknesses in older technology to cross over and burrow under the existing barrier.


During a two-day period beginning on November 6, agents assigned to the Yuma Station apprehended large groups of migrants who illegally crossed the border east of the San Luis Port of Entry. The nearly 45o migrants who mostly travelled to the U.S. from Central America ranged in age from two-years-old to 48, according to information provided to Breitbart News by Yuma Sector Border Patrol officials.


A Yuma Station camera operator observed a large group of 82 illegal aliens crossing from Mexico into the U.S. by climbing over the legacy “landing mat border wall” east of the San Luis Port of Entry, officials stated. The operator dispatched agents to respond to the area. When they arrived, the group surrendered to the agents. During an immigration interview, the agents learned the migrants were mostly family units from Guatemala (79) and El Salvador (3) ranging in age from two to 48-years-old.


A few hours later, operators detected another large group of migrants (83) digging a small hole under the barrier in the same area. Video surveillance provided to Breitbart News by Yuma Sector officials shows the group coming through the hole and a Border Patrol vehicle quickly arriving on scene to take the migrants into custody. The second group also consisted mostly of family units from Guatemalans (69) and El Salvador (14). They ranged in age from two to 40-years-old, officials reported.


Yuma Sector officials said the old-style “landing mat” wall design lacks the improved concrete footer found in the new wall prototypes tested in the San Diego Sector earlier this year. This older style technology allows migrants to burrow under the fence.


Border Patrol officials reported that by the end of the day on Wednesday, agents apprehended 449 illegal aliens. The vast majority of these migrants came to the U.S. as family units from Central America.


“Yuma Sector continues to see increasing numbers of aliens crossing illegally into its area of

responsibility from countries other than Mexico where they are able to exploit the outdated

infrastructure,” Yuma Sector officials said in a written statement.


During October, the first month of the new fiscal year, Yuma Sector agents witnessed a 198 percent increase in the number of Family Unit Aliens apprehended in the sector. In addition to the families, the Yuma Sector also reported a 36 percent increase in the apprehension of Unaccompanied Alien Children.

Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.3836681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7086

Hezbollah Leader: We Will Respond To Any Israeli Attack On Lebanon


On November 10, Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that Israel is working to resume its attacks on Lebanon and warned that his party will “decisively” respond to any such attack.


“Any attack on Lebanon, any airstrike on Lebanon and any shelling on Lebanon, we will definitely respond to it … it is not acceptable to allow the enemy to violate Lebanon as it did during the last decades,” Nasrallah said during a gathering to commemorate the “Day of Martyr.”


Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah will not give up its missile forces despite the continued threats from Israel and the recent sanctions imposed by the US.


“Economic sanctions will not prevent us from maintaining our weapons and forces even if we were forced to sell our own houses,” the Hezbollah media wing quoted Nasrallah as saying.


During the last few months, Israel launched a propaganda campaign on the highest levels accusing Hezbollah of hiding advanced missiles in the Lebanese capital of Beirut. The Israeli intelligence even sent WhatsApp messages to thousands of the city residents warning them from supposed missile sites.


Some sources speculate that the delivery of the advanced S-300 air defense systems to Syria have forced Israel to consider resuming its military operations in Lebanon once again. However, the recent threats by Nasrallah show that this option will not come without a response.

Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.3836728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7086

Houthis: Al-Hudaydah Battle Shows Yemen Is ‘Graveyard’ For Saudi-led Forces


On November 9, a senior Houthi official, Mohammed Abdulsalam, said Yemen will be a “graveyard” for aggressors as Saudi-led coalition forces are developing their advance on the port city of al-Hudayah.


“Our people, with their full-scale defense of Hudaydah, once again have proved that Yemen will be a graveyard for the aggressors,” the official announced via Twitter.


Abdulsalam also claiemd that the “agressors” had failed to achieve any of their objectives due to the “exemplary steadfastness” of the Yemeni people. He also accused the Saudi-led coalition of cooperating with ISIS and al-Qaeda.


“The American-British-Israeli coalition, along with domestic and foreign mercenaries and terrorists groups, including Daesh [ISIS] and al-Qaeda … have failed to achieve any of their objectives after four years of aggression, due to the exemplary steadfastness of the nation,” he said.


Earlier on the same day, coalition forces made another attempt to develop their advance on al-Hudaydah. Pro-coalition sources claimed tha over 100 Houthi fighters had been killed and coalition forces had advanced towards the northern and the western flanks of the port city.


Pro-Houthi sources denied these claims. Furthermore, according to their version of the events, Saudi-backed forces had already lost over 500 fihters since the start of their new push on al-Hudaydah.


However, sources on the ground and videos released show that coalition forces had indeed achieved some gains. If the Houthis are not able to prevent the encirclement of al-Hudaydah by coalition forces, they will face a real threat of losing the battle of al-Hudaydah. On the other hand, coalition forces positions are overstretched east of the city and the Houthis may exploit this for counter-attacks.

Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.3836778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Deploys Its Avangard Glide Vehicle – the Unmatched Leader in Hypersonic Technology


The Avangard hypersonic boost-glide system went into production last summer and will be operational with the 13th Strategic Missile Forces division by the end of 2019.


On Oct. 12 CNBC reported that Russia had hit a snag in its development of its hypersonic weapon, because it was at the time unable to find a source for the critical carbon fiber components. The news agency stated that the Pentagon had doubts that the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) existed. Skepticism seems widespread. Some believe that Russia’s new super weapons are “virtual reality,” while others think they are “mostly hype.” In March, the National Interest cited Michael Kofman, a research scientist for the Center for Naval Analyses and a highly respected analyst, who offered his assurances that there was no chance Russia could field its hypervelocity boost-glide weapon by 2019. But history has shown that those who believed it to be just a bluff have been proven wrong.


According to recent Russian media reports, the Avangard hypersonic boost-glide system, one of the new super weapons that President Putin mentioned in his address to the Federal Assembly in March, went into production last summer and will be operational with the 13th Strategic Missile Forces division by the end of 2019. It will be deployed near Yasny, a town 502 kilometers (312 mi) southeast of Orenburg in the southern Urals, by the end of 2019.


Normally it takes two systems for a regiment to be combat ready by that time, but in this case that number will be increased to six. At least two regiments with six systems each are expected to be battle-ready by 2027. According to the state armaments program (GPV2027), twelve UR-100UTTKh (NATO: SS-19 Stiletto) missiles will be integrated into the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs). The deployment of the HGV might begin without additional flight tests. Eventually, the Sarmat RS-28 ICBM could be used to deliver the Avangard, potentially carrying a single, massive thermonuclear warhead with a yield exceeding two megatons.


The boost-glide weapon can fly at speeds of over Mach 20 or about 15,300 miles per hour (four miles per second). It could reach Washington in 15 minutes even if launched from Russia. There is no way to intercept it, as it moves in a cloud of plasma “like a meteorite.” The weapon is distinctive for its ability to withstand extreme heat during the final phase of its trajectory thanks to its heat-resistant titanium casing. Its in-flight temperature reaches 1,600-2,000° Celsius.


It is impossible to predict the direction of its approach. Installed on the 200-ton Sarmat, the Avangard could be sent into the desired orbit at an altitude of 100 km from Earth using a pre-booster, gliding to its target at a speed of Mach 20 (5-7 km/s) while maneuvering with the help of stabilizers. It can make rapid course changes in the atmosphere. Its signatures are quite different from those of traditional ICBMs. Advanced countermeasure systems increase its ability to penetrate missile defenses.

Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.3836882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7164

Religious Coalition For Reproductive Choice Holds ‘Blessing Service’ For New Abortion Clinic

On Friday evening, a group called the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) is holding a "blessing service" at a newly-opened abortion facility called Your Choice Healthcare of Columbus.

The following is the event description on Facebook and Eventbrite:


Come celebrate the opening of Columbus' new medical abortion clinic: Your Choice Heathcare.

This gathering is open to all people of faith (and non-faith) who affirm abortion providers and patients. The hour long service will include various prayers, music, and abortion storytelling — as well as a message from Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith.

Weather permitting, the blessing service will take place outside, followed by a light reception indoors. While this will be an uplifting event, we are expecting protesters to be present and will have security measures in place.


The Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is an advocacy organization that "strongly opposes restrictions to abortion access and contraception," and offers various training programs to help "people of faith, conscience, and goodwill connect their pro-choice values with activism."

Additionally, the "our philosophy" section of the Ohio RCRC official website states: "We support women as moral agents and their right to make reproductive decisions following one's own conscience and religious beliefs."

The organization’s leadership includes a reverend and a rabbi.

Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.3836909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7006 >>7225

Google Search Says Republican Women Are ‘Enablers’


Republican women are “enablers,” according to Google search results.


Google’s search results for the National Federation of Republican Women, the nation’s largest Republican women’s group, displayed the organization’s name instead as the “National Federation of Republican Enablers.”


Google cited Wikipedia for the disparaging description, though Wikipedia’s page for the women’s group doesn’t contain that description.


Wikipedia’s edit history shows on October 19 someone replaced the word “women” in the group’s name with “enablers.” The change lasted about five hours on Wikipedia before it was reversed.


But three weeks after the digital vandalism was reversed on Wikipedia, Google’s “knowledge panel” about the Republican women’s group still described them as “enablers.”


Google removed the knowledge panel after this article was published.


Liberal writers and activists in recent months have attacked Republican women — and “white women” in particular — as gender traitors in league with the patriarchy.


“There are tens of millions of American women who believe in the Republican Party’s values of individual liberty, personal responsibility and limited government,” NFRW President Jody Rushton told TheDCNF in a statement.


“The notion that women aren’t smart enough to think for themselves and have varying political views is not only offensive, but it’s also misogynistic.”


Google did not immediately return an email seeking comment.


This isn’t the first time Google’s search results have laundered misleading attacks on Republicans.


Google apologized in May after search results for the California Republican Party falsely listed “Nazism” as one of the state party’s ideologies.


Google blamed manipulation of the party’s Wikipedia page for the inaccurate and disparaging description.


Google’s short-lived fact-check initiative faced similar accuracy challenges.


Not only did the fact-check feature target conservative outlets almost exclusively, it was also blatantly wrong. Google’s fact-check repeatedly attributed false claims to those outlets, even though they demonstrably never made those claims.


Google in January pulled the faulty fact-check program, crediting TheDCNF’s investigation for the decision.

Anonymous ID: 1cc087 Nov. 10, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.3837027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7087

ICE: Illegal immigrant released by sanctuary city charged with triple murder!


An illegal immigrant released by a “sanctuary city” county in New Jersey was charged this week with a triple homicide halfway across the country in Missouri, authorities said Friday.


Luis Rodrigo Perez stands accused of being the gunman in a shooting spree last week that claimed the lives of two men and one woman, at two different homes.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it tried to deport Perez after he was arrested on domestic violence charges in Middlesex County, New Jersey, last year. But the county, which has a non-cooperation policy with ICE, refused to alert the feds when it released Perez in February of this year, ICE said.


“Had ICE’s detainer request in December 2017 been honored by Middlesex County Jail, Luis Rodrigo Perez would have been placed in deportation proceedings and likely sent home to his country — and three innocent people might be alive today,” said Corey Price, acting ICE executive associate director.