Anonymous ID: 3d1cd4 Nov. 10, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3838131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8136 >>8179

>>3837899 (pb)

What planet is this guy on that he doesn't know that Obama could never ever have been elected without the white vote.


LOL he thinks Mike is a woman. BTW Mike is already setting the scene for the hermi truth to come out….confessing to IVF…now…Mike, who carried those girls to term eh?


"Farts in the wind, all we are is farts in the wind…"

Anonymous ID: 3d1cd4 Nov. 10, 2018, 12:50 p.m. No.3838228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8281


>I read the Chelsey Smith affidavit, wow.

YEP…they had proof back in 2016. The attempt to steal FL for Hiltery was based in Broward County. ANYONE watching the election that night knew Broward was trying to find a way to fix it for her…only there were TOO many votes to fix…so BROWARD was the last county to be called…it was insanity watching them try to fix it.


SO now…we have THEY my guess is the entire election HQ…and everything else was wired by the feds to catch these people in the act…and put a stop to this once and for all.



Anonymous ID: 3d1cd4 Nov. 10, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.3838302   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why don't we ask our president why the law is not being enforced…after all the illegals only come here for jobs..and it is a FELONY to hire an illegal…so why hasn't Trump gone after the real problem..the Americans who hire illegal aliens?


Something to think about.

Anonymous ID: 3d1cd4 Nov. 10, 2018, 1 p.m. No.3838417   🗄️.is 🔗kun



as usual…nothing….


Not sure when the last time the FBI did it's job..perhaps it was doing its job when it ignored all the tips about Cruz (Broward Co.)..or doing their job in Vegas….or convincing the mad bomber to make dangerous bombs (pic related) to send to important people..


With an FBI doing its job like that….the rest of us can just sit back and have the most confidence in our legal system…nothing to see here.

Anonymous ID: 3d1cd4 Nov. 10, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.3838567   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>If people get killed and Q fucking knew it beforehand, it definitely is Q's fault.

Talking about what is now clearly DEW weapons being used in CA to start fires in any meaningful way means letting the public know how vulnerable they are…someone used DEWs to start fires that have killed Cuckafornians…and that "someone" is either



Our own people under direction of Israel

or…an as yet unknown actor…


now..for a group that hears all and sees all NOT to know which "craft" were in the air during the time the DEWs were filmed being fired…tells me they are NOT in control…and are engaged in a "darkroom" battle with which ever forces ARE doing this.


If the Santa Rosa fire DEW film evidence wasn't enough…they just pulled it off again.


SO is this fire shit some kind of "get money to cuckafornia" via back doors? Money laundering somehow?


Cause for people who know all and see all..this shit's getting pretty weird and I'm not buying that reeking load of codswallop anymore.

Anonymous ID: 3d1cd4 Nov. 10, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.3838798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8861


>I fell for it hook line and sinker for a year.

I didn't…fall for it…watched…knowing that somehow….


I "see" POTUS…and he does in fact mean what he says…but the illusion that he's in control is what we were meant to "buy" here…


I knew Q was a LARP but was he a LARP for us…or against us…after all charging up the base IS important, keeping them filled with hope..even more so….Trump clearly going along with it…but for all we know the briefings he's had has painted the Q thing as only a benefit…for all we know Trump has been fed mistruths about Q…and even if the good lads came to look the optics are good…


But…the set up is too sweet…playing it off as alternately a psyop on the black hats…and a trust the plan mollification to the white hats…this line walker has half the nation filled with hope…


meanwhile back at the ranch….Trump is under the illusion that he's protected, as are we…still white hats ARE watching here…perhaps trying to sort out which witch Q really is…they may KNOW who it is…but is Q really working for Trump? OR is he under the direction of his Zionist overlords…look how quickly he gets the sheep back in line each time he does an emotional appeal…such as quote the bible or say pray…the people just fall to their knees…Zionists know this about evangelicals and they use it to their own benefit.


Keeping us drowsey..then when it's too late, crushing them?


All I know is that when I "RV" something that "won't go away" i post it here and it is literally taken care of very very quickly..threats to POTUS they know about, I don't "see"..only threats they don't know and the pressure gets strong and stronger until I post it…then starts to fade within hours.


So there are good guys here…whether or not Q is one of them…remains to be seen…my vote right Zionist overlord. For the reason that T_D is completely comp'd (try writing a single word against Israel, sharing anything critical…)and so is half/pol/ which everyone knows is zionist comp'd and used as a containment system for the autists who wander about bringing attention to the JQ.


THIS place is not obviously zionist comp'd but that might be part of the plan. Q's long-term resistance to answering that question and the massive evangelical Zionist lovin idiot evangelicals that heavily populate this place….is very strange.


Makes ones almonds tingle. I come here because I know good guys ARE watching (HEY GUISE THANKS)….but whether or not they are in control or not…remains to be seen. Zionists filth have infiltrated everything…they figured out stopping/banning the anti Israel information here would be too much of a red flag.


Whatever the answer is…I found this post enlightening


>>3835537 (pb) check out those screen shots…very strange.