>>3848623 pb
Rothschild is the George Washington of Israel.
Rothschild is at the top of the bad guys.
It's generally true that the average person on the street really isn't calling the shots behind the scenes, isn't responsible for it, but Israel is funding ISIS, AIPAC is bribing US Politicians, we've got dual nationality Israelis in US government, we've got US politicians trying to make it a crime to criticize Israel.
It's very difficult to find a problem that doesn't involve Rothchild (owns/controlls the Federal Reserve and other national banks) Soros, Israel, or Jews. There there's a lot of overlapping, yet, they're not all identical.
When the problems that they cause are gone, there won't be reason to complain about them.
graphic related, from Time Magazine in the 1980s about how Soros got his money from the Rothschilds.