Anonymous ID: ed1779 Nov. 11, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.3848897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8913

There is definitely a war going on right now, between the people.

I put full blame on the MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA!

There is huge group of people (people like my mother) who will not accept any news if it does not come from MSM. She doesn't understand that there are BOTS on twitter(no matter how many times i explain it to her) My mother, for instance is a great example of the brainwashing by MSM. She hates Trump. She thinks he is everything the MSM says he is. She trusts MSM so much that she WILL NOT accept any other news as FACT. Let me explain, mother doesn't hate anyone. She just trusts what she was taught to trust. She can not and will not accept that EVERYTHING she believed was somehow manipulated through the media. And HALF of our country is like her. There is absolutely no question what MSM is doing is a national security issue. There is no question about it. Now why am i writing this here? Because my mother, like many of yours, is so brainwashed by MSM, she actually believes that WE are the ones who are trying to commit voter fraud. This makes me so angry and sad inside. Half of our country is so lost, and the only way to bring them back is if MSM-THE MOCKING BIRD MEDIA- tells them the TRUTH! THAT IS THE ONLY WAY they can come back from this. Arrests will do nothing BUT create them to freak out even more. LET ME REPEAT THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THE BRAINWASHING IS IF MSM TELLS THE TRUTH! It doesn't matter how many independent journalist are out there telling the truth and giving facts. IT WILL NOT WORK ON THEM. So let me ask this, Is the destruction of MSM that so many are helping to destroy, me included, worth losing our family for? How do we destroy them and at the same time get our loved ones back? Because THEY are the ones who can bring them back. They are responsible for all of this SHIT!