False Flags
Conspiracy theories
Patsies as shooters.
Important to look at here is this idea the shooters ARE the shooters(except imo Paddock)
They are nutjobs
They are nudged into a direction.
When you report a concern to the FBI, they also get right on that new recruit for a future false flag
Have you ever been to a hypnotist show?
Power of suggestion is real
I have, thought I was pretending, faked closing my eyes, but when my turn came what was suggested by the magician worked. I wasn't faking it. Mine was simple(something like I couldn't say "seven" and when asked to count I would go 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10)
If a hack hypnotist can do that to me, what can the FBI do to someone who already wants to shoot up a school.