Anonymous ID: cc90c7 Feb. 15, 2018, 4:47 p.m. No.391283   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Programming subjects was an extension of the MKULTRA initial project and came under project Monarch:






It involves breaking down the mind through extreme trauma (pain & sexual abuse) until the psyche shatters and an underlying personality is formed, exposed and is capable of being programmed. There was a considerable amount of development of this technique, horrendously, from the Nazi-initiated area of research via operation Paperclip into the UK with one of the most notorious and prolific practitioners, Dr Green around the US (and other countries I imagine).


This became a rather sophisticated process and there are many MKUltra / Monarch 'survivors' that have been broken and subjected to ritual sexual abuse who are now attempting to address their horrifically painful past and rebuild their lives. It's a bit tricky as there is meant to be a self-destruct / suicide command in there which activates when the memory of the training starts to become accessible to the 'normal' person's conciousness.


There has also been progress in affecting people's cognitive functions via wireless signals, however here, Q has suggested something quite alarming, that this whole process has been 'refined' and is now able to be managed and implemented (their mind 'broken') via the subject's mobile phone, and therefore remotely and privately:


'THERAPY' takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.


And then:


Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject.


So this whole process would require a suitable mentally unstable person to be identified, brought in for therapy, maybe sectioned - institutionalised against their will according to mental health safety regulations - where the initial abuse takes place to 'break' the mind open where some initial programming takes place.


The rest of the programming Q suggests can be done remotely via the mobile phone.


The drugs that these subjects might be on I doubt would be something as uncontrollable as strong SSRI's as these can make the subject suicidal and / or uncontrollable, I would suggest that it would be something a little more innocuous that renders the subject succeptable, or maybe drugs aren't required for the further programming. Q says that this is at the highest classification and so I seriously doubt we would find anectotal evidence on the net, Patents are the only area that I can think of to follow, both for the technology and for the drugs. Laboratory trials and perhaps peer-reviewed papers maybe?


This is some heavy shit.


'Breaking' someone via therapy would be a massively traumatic process and so I very much doubt it would be volountary as it's torture and abuse to shatter the psyche, so institutionalised subjects are likely the only ones that this could be performed on. And likely an institution that has been tied to some of the Monarch stuff before, as any regular mental health workers I imagine react adversely to the patient's howls of agony, terror and misery…


This is pretty dark shit.




Anonymous ID: cc90c7 Feb. 15, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.391500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Allen Dulles was the original CIA Director that signed off on the MKUltra program. Some interesting spider legs here in terms of the sprawling connections - Nelson Rockerfeller / Rockerfeller Foundation…


Anonymous ID: cc90c7 Feb. 15, 2018, 5:22 p.m. No.391614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some work on the biological effect of weak electromagnetic emissions, Serge Kernbach - paper here from 2013:



Anonymous ID: cc90c7 Feb. 15, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.391667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Might be worth having a look at this place. Am just reading this paper…


This work is prepared within the presentation on the

same topic in the institute for frontier areas of psychology

and mental health (IGPP institute) in Freiburg, Germany,

in October 2013