Anonymous ID: 789e91 Feb. 16, 2018, 5 p.m. No.402483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2504



>Think Apple

US based company

Heavily invested in China (Foxconn)

Massive WW presence in markets. Predominately in the west.


Apple devices have backdoor Clown access

  • https://

  • https://


Recent scandal for slowing down devices.

  • http://

Designed to push people to buy newer versions. Newer more powerful tech/phones required for end goal.


Apple security measures:

-Face ID

-Finger Print Lock

Designed to collect data for Clowns. Biometric data on WW population.


>vs Samsung

SK based company


Many scandals in SK recently:

  • SK President Ms Park owned by secret 'Cabal/Cult' (Groomed from childhood to be leader e.g Obama/Trudeau-esque)



  • Choi-soon-sil (1 of 8 'Heavenly Fairies') recently sentenced. (Too much information to post here on all the connections she has WW but it runs deep and to familiar faces)


  • 'Cabal' scandal also spread to the "highest levels of business" including Samsung CEO/Heir



Huge expansion in smart device market in recent years. Neck and neck with Apple. Regularly swapping 1st and 2nd place in western market.


Samsung devices have backdoor Clowns access

  • https://

  • https://


>Why was Blackberry destroyed?

Canadian based company


Independently developed and wouldn't allow Clowns backdoor access

  • Highly secure and encrypted service (messaging) etc


  • Further proven by HRC/and staffs choice to use a BlackBerry over another smart device


BlackBerry devices were not featured in WL Vault 7.

However, Clowns heavily interested in BlackBerry car software https://


Sabotaged to lower market share and boost rivals (Google/Apple/Samsung)

  • http://


Clowns couldn't control and use for nefarious means so had to be dealt with.


>Think Google

Google have been in bed with Clowns since forever. No backdoors needed here.

  • https://

  • https://

  • https://


Googles goal/mo was to have humanity all connected to computers as a 'Hive-mind' (Can't re-find source? Scrubbed?)

This message is supported by the recent World Government Summit 2017. Further reinforced by Q #746 regarding Matrix crumb.

  • https://

  • https://


Google Pixel 2 didn't perform well sales wise in the market dominated by giants like Apple/Samsung etc.

Only standout change from other devices was new eSim technology.

  • https://

Is it more than it appears to be? Could easily be used for other means.


Devices like Amazon Echo/Alexa + Google Home have seen big pushes WW.

  • https://

Perfect for WW listening spy devices to gather data. Spy devices that people willingly put in their house/office. (Voluntary like Social Media)

This could even be used to identify potential 'patients' who they can morph in these Shooters or sleeper cells. (Aided with other stuff like Social Media etc to build psych profiles)


Alternatively, it could be modified to become something more through Googles many patents.

Any Clown devices could easily be used with one of many Google owned patents. (IMPORTANT)

  • https://

  • https://

I'm sure there's even more patents I haven't found yet.

Anonymous ID: 789e91 Feb. 16, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.402592   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Interesting Patent coming out of Ft Myers FL (Alan B. Densky)

No need for a therapist just the use of images. (Mobile/PC/TV/VR etc)

  • http://


Other patents not needing images but instead undetecable sound/waves forms and frequencies.

  • http://


Most of this tech was patented in 1950s-80s. By now the potential must be virtually unlimited with todays advancements.


>5G Good or Bad?

5G can transmit up to 200ghz mm. This is a HUGE leap from our 4g network it terms of power.

It's powerful enough to communicate and provide wireless to satellites in space.

Is this really necessary for civilian life?


SpaceX involvement:

  • https://

  • http://


In order to implement 5G they would need to increase coverage even more:

  • https://

This in theory could create an inescapable net of signals over you where ever you go with whatever information is sent from the satellites WW.

Anonymous ID: 789e91 Feb. 16, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.402648   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Why is Big Pharma essential?

'They' have complete control. Drugs worldwide are controlled and subsidized by US tax payer.

'They' choose what drugs we ingest for what disease. Can also be served through Vaccination.

'They' can create Drugs with intended effects, or hidden side effects, designed to make people more pre-disposable to certain mental illnesses or generally weaken the mind. In turn making them controllable.


>Nanobots / RFID

Could Nanobots implanted through drugs and be used as receivers in patients?

  • https://


"In April this year President Obama announced a hugely ambitious science project, the "Brain" Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies)."

  • https://



Large majority of mass shooters are on SSRIs (Anti-Depressents)

= Drug of choice to make patient controllable?

OR a depressive state is the ideal starting point in a patient?


In recent years we've seen a huge increase in Mental Health issues. e.g 'Depression'

Proganda pushing that even if you experience even the slightest sadness you are clinically depressed and need to go on SSRIs/Therapy etc

Even in place such as the UK, where Drug propaganda/advertising through the media is non-existant comapred to US, they are bombarded with articles from media about it.


It spreads even deeper when you look online:

  • Online platforms are full of posts about 'Depression/Mental Health' 24/7. Reddit/Imgur/Tumblr/FB/Twitter etc

And its successfully spreading into everyday life:

  • It's becoming a rarity to hire people who don't fill out the 'Using Medication/Mental Health' section on a job application.



Anonymous ID: 789e91 Feb. 16, 2018, 5:16 p.m. No.402712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2826

>Science fiction?

Even on a small scale the mind control possibilities are endless.

  • Control whole portions of the population to do what they want e.g Voting in elections/state to stay forever in power

  • Control Politicians through stronger methods than blackmail etc e.g Choose how they vote on bills/laws/policies


More importantly, they could gain complete control of the world population, or at least the majority, as slaves.

Again refer to Q #746 regarding Matrix crumb and Q #745.


>Mass Mind Control Conspiracy?

Q mentioned it takes [x] time to break and control an individual.


Alot of these patents seem to suggest ways in which the direct therapy part would not be needed but rather

have the brain waves/subliminal messaging subconsciously inserted into your brain through image or sound.


If common tech company devices (Google/Apple/Samsung/Amazon) were the method of delivery this would be easily achievable, thanks to the amount of people

who possess these devices and the frequency we are around them.


>The 3 Big Steps

Use Big Pharma to drug and weaken populations minds and make them viable for control. >>

Implement 5G + a globe-spanning satellite network. >

Transmit 'subconscious messaging' etc through every day devices to control peoples mind. >>


Is this how it would be used on a large scale due to our highly digitalized world?


After reading through these documents + patents, it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilities.