Anonymous ID: 96093e Feb. 17, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.410392   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Well, I expanded my thinking and ran across this:

Mind control, the shell game, and the stealth gods

Apr 9 by Jon Rappoport




I couldn’t make that idea sharper. It was a stray thought, and it kept nagging at me, long after the interview was done. It somehow reminded me of the classic shell game. Three shells, one pea. Guess which shell is hiding the pea. What if the pea isn’t there at all?


I realized I was trying to understand something about collectivism, the psychology of it. Another image struck me: the old telephone game, where one person whispers a phrase to another, and that person passes it on, until the last person announces what he’s heard; and of course now it bears no resemblance to the original message.


How about starting the game with no message at all? You just make a kind of hissing mumble. And the last person in the circle emerges with “life is good.”


That’s a metaphor for collectivism.


The hive, the nest, the colony, the collective.


Think Hive Minded? something Q is always reminding us of.

Anonymous ID: 96093e Feb. 17, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.410624   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I know I've already posted this article. it's way to large to post a screen shot. The more I read, the better it gets.


If you have not read this yet, you should. This article is everything Q references to and how {{{THEY }}} are handling {{{US}}}.




Here is an excerpt.


Collectivism is the last refuge of the tyrant, the mob, and also the individual who refuses to discover his own strength. The outline of the true conspiracy includes all three participants. To try to excuse any one of these is an error.


It is also the result of intentional blindness.


People like to make a distinction between the criminal lunatics who launch war after war of government-corporate imperial conquest, those “run amok capitalists,” and the government leaders who, instead, want to “share and care and give for the sake of equality and justice.” The truth is, they are both on the same side. They and their banker-betters are engaged in an age-old operation of subduing the populace and bringing in a collectivist equality that labels every human with the same zero.


If we are blind to that as well, we will take the bait and enroll on the side of the angels, and there will be no angels.


My old editor was right in a way. The government uses collectivism to make people deaf, dumb, and blind to what is going on. And believing in what the government is dispensing to them, the people fail to notice that corporations, in concert with government, are stealing and poisoning their way to a level of control that would have made the ancient pharaohs stand back in awe.


“The individual is nothing. The group is everything.”


But it turns out that, under collectivism, the group is nothing, too. That’s the final turn of the card in the magic trick.


All the “humanitarian giving”, all the so-called justice, all the sharing and caring, all the sympathy; they’re props in a stage play invented to create a giant ant colony.

Anonymous ID: 96093e Feb. 17, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.410728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave


This is just a few… it goes on and on. Do we archived yet?

