Does "We HEAR you, we SEE you" have any deeper meaning that what we see? is Remote Viewing a possibility? We hear of testimonies all the time with no real evidence, but is this a possibility is what im asking.
You want info on Deep Dream?
Well here it is folks,
In the movie Jason Bourne there is a man named Aaron Kalloor, CEO of social media giant Deep Dream. Kalloor is the public face of corporate social responsibility in the Internet age, but he was secretly funded by CIA head Dewey in the startup stage. Dewey intends to use Deep Dream for real-time mass surveillance alongside the latest incarnation of the CIA's targeted assassination 'Beta' program, known as "Iron Hand". When Kalloor has second thoughts about giving the CIA access to Deep Dream, Dewey authorizes the Asset to assassinate Kalloor and Lee
Are the NSA spying on the CIA?
Is that what CIA NSA means?