Flynn hasn't turned on Trump like they wanted. like a true warrior he went down with the ship. none of what Flynn is being accused of can be tied to President Trump. and even If Trump did something wrong. Flynn is not a RAT.
that could be the plan. that's why Mueller was gonna give Tony Podesta immunity. it will be the same charge. And that would start a domino effect.
I will go with that logic. it will be hard to tap dance around other people who did the same thing. it sucks but that's where we are.
we will see.
any plea Flynn gives will be wrong. but it closes Mueller investigation into him.for anything else.
You know its no guarantee because Mueller Recommended a light sentence . but what if The judge sees what Flynn is pleading guilty to, was by entrapment. and knows there might be another crime he is hiding.?
Good one. that's a win for both sides.