Anonymous ID: c7ff6f Jan. 1, 2019, 8:24 p.m. No.4559960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0010 >>0034 >>0109 >>0538 >>0568

Is MEMEX the DS tool for "total control"?


MEMEX is purportedly some secret DARPA tool being developed to access the Dark Web; always it's touted as a method for finding child traffickers. Hmmm. Can find other things–and other people, too. For me, the MEMEX DIGG arose out of Jonathon Morgan's boast that he has been "involved" in this project. That means it's creepy because he's creepy; check him out in this video (


See what one anon had to say about MEMEX last April:


Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 19:57:24 1f34c5 (1) No.1006775

File (hide): ddbfd4e3de96153⋯.png (416.65 KB, 1310x489, 1310:489, darr.PNG) (h) (u)


IS DARPA the bridge bet FB GOOG & TWTR?

How the CIA made Google

Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet—

Darpa Director Bolts Pentagon for Google

DARPA Is Building a Google for the Dark Web and It Actually Works

Memex has already helped the government locate human traffickers and it's not even finished yet.

DARPA & Google Plan Total Control




So this anon thinks MEMEX is about

DARPA & Google Plan Total Control

If so, the story about chasing bad guys on the Dark Web may just be a dog and pony show.


Attached is the Medium article referenced above; it's long, deep, and full of leads (Pt 1 of 2).

Also search Index using "MEMEX" to turn up more links; there are several recent posts.

I have a feeling this is a big deal. CALL FOR A DIGG.