The democrats voted against the Bill to save our Babies!!! We need to recall or impeach them all!! Call your congressman and tell them will be recalling them or impeaching them all! We can’t allow them to Murder our infants,!!
Patriots this is a call to arms as we are at the point of no return! the Democrats, have crossed the line! They voted against our infants lives! We cannot stand by and let them murder the most defenseless of all infants! Our children’s lives are in serious danger! Imagine your new infant is born and your doctor does nothing because the laws says the doctor doesn’t have to save the baby!
The diabolical law that the Democrats voted for, is worded to mislead us all they worded it as a 3rd Trimester abortion! all children are born on the third trimester, be completely aware that the fact that the baby is already born doesn’t matter, to the doctor they can still murder your baby because it’s the law! To all Patriots this is a call to arms to the defend our infants!!!