So, this is the thing about you shills. You haven't figured out, yet, the power of ignore. The power of ignore is far more convincing than a rock solid argument, emotional appeal, appeal to authority, no true scotsman, strawman, stick figure or any other logical fallacy you employ here. The power of ignore, deafening silence, shakes confidence beyond any acknowledgement of existence more than any of that.
Protestors line up in front of a church and deride the parishioners of said faith, and the parishioners are resolved to their belief. Antifa kick over defenseless trashcans and remind us that lawlessness, and the controlled opposition alt-right weenies are just stage actors meant to divide law-abiding Patriots. Fake MAGA are the most blatantly obvious with their ZOMG Gestapo FBI on "muh Stone weirdo; Drumps done for it now" shit. None of it is working, and with the church comparison, only strengthens our resolve.
There is a real fight happening. There is an evident struggle to get our republic back. The world is lashing out against the "rulers" and self-proclaimed demigods of banking, religion, and cult practices. For shills to constantly come here and remind us of their MOS/C_A tactics and attempted subversion is a self defeating strategy.
Q is right. You people are stupid. Really fucking stupid. This entire past year+, you could have been improving yourselves, meeting chicks, making friends, etc. Instead, you come here, waste your time trying to unconvinced ardent supporters of a cause that many of us have waited DECADES to witness.
This is a train. It isn't stopping. Not with DJT second term, or whatever patriot president we have afterwards. This ride never ends. Q has opened a can of worms so big that our grandchildren will be talking about memes instead of missiles in their history books.
Seriously, I hope all the shills get a grip on what they fight against. You are literally attempting to stop people from being informed and self reliant.