Anonymous ID: 37354b Jan. 25, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.4907628   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In The beginning of POTUS' term he seemed like he was holding his own, BUT it seemed like a lot of work. Kind of like a fair fight, but him against everyone.

In the past month or two notice that POTUS is like NEO at the end of the Movie - Matrix, where he becomes fully aware of his Awakened abilities and kicks complete borgstate ass. Unstoppable at this point (Nothing Can Stop him) Neo uses very little effort to do maximum damage. POTUS does not even break a sweat anymore keeping these horrible people headed (herded) towards accountability. Trust Anons It IS happening

Yes ((they)) have been exposed and under scrutiny over and over in every one of our lifetimes, even almost contained a time or two in history.

Yes they almost always get away with everything. WHY? There have always been varying degrees of fail safes and loopholes and "friends" in high places to help facilitate slippery outcomes.


What Do You Think DRAIN THE SWAMP Means?

Years of few controlling everything is being slowly chipped away. Without the steady flow of money made from treason, drugs, humans etc. the funding for the evil economy has slowed to nothing. MEDIA LAYOFFS Boom. Clean Up BAD Law. Boom. List hundreds of booms..

Realize, We are not just cleaning up the past few years or 10 years. This unraveling goes back at the very least 100(+) years with the creation of FedRes, the dawn of AMA, all the Wars, Theft of Resources, Mfg Drugs, modern Slavery (human traficking MK) and even farther back in time with the creation of various secret societies bloodline elitist positioning for conquest.

you think that level of atrocity goes away in a year?

It took many hundreds of years setting up these institutions and it was done with the people's wealth and completely in secret. Keeping their Narrative has cost lifetimes of suffering that [they] get off on it. One year of actively pursuing [them] winningly would hardly be noticed by most, the second year would force a few more to lqqk. Then history will write it all down (archived).


Dismantling this beast structure takes a NEO. The people have been trying forever to slay it or even define it. Many dove into [their] books and [their] law and some of the people learned all [their] comms. We have learned to speak [their] language of symbology and tweets. Enough maids and guards and gardeners and pilots and drivers and assistants have overheard [them] and will be excellent witnesses.

Nothing like this has ever been done before. If you have eyes and ears, you know FULL well what is afoot. pun intended.

If you are still confused >>>reread all of Q's posts