In case no one has noticed…
the sudden focus on southern baptist sexual predators is an effort to
a. get the focus off of the catholic church
b. focus on hicks in the south - as in the "deplorables" or white republicans
this is disingenuous due to the nature of the differences between southern baptist (or other protestant churches) and catholic church
protestant churches - even when "run" by a convention, are considered autonomous - largely independent and led by community
some protestant churches are not even affiliated closely with a governing body
most of these "offenders" were already on the registry - otherwise they wouldn't have been found - which means that the communities already handled the abuse
The catholic church hid the abuse worldwide, shamed and threatened victims….etc.
S. baptist and other protestant "religions" like lutheran, methodist, presbyterian, et al…are a fraction of the size of the catholic church and are not gigantic, international organizations which are present on every continent - in nearly every developed nation
In point - the Southern baptist convention is a uniquely U.S. organization - with a membership of about 15 million people
Catholics by comparison - number 1.3 billion people