Meet me at airport with the homo rabbi memes
Cause we going to gitmo
Meet me at airport with the homo rabbi memes
Cause we going to gitmo
Is it called a stew when its Jew ham and Jew noodles
Your bullshit bots are stopped
Turn on the Bullshit bots
Maybe the seo software has a Bullshit knob (you) can turn
Maybe we can compost (you) and let the bullshit bot live on in memory
Set the seo software to artificial stupidity and see how much compost it can crank out
Seo Bullshit bots are hitting an automated compost wall
But if the seo software isn't tuned to complete bullshit with artificial stupidity
We might find out that Jews are leakin out trumps faggot ass
But what if the Faggots goy trump is really plopping out hivites that calm themselves Jews and do lie
That's why it's gaslighting with swampgas for sphincter demons
Maybe the seo Bullshit bots are stuck in diarrhea cuntry
That might be Israel ebot
Totally makes sense taht muslims behead Faggots on tv now huh
We'll it's fake Jew ham covered is sissy ass velveta queso cheese and cheap ass Jew salsa
But Jew salsa comes from El Paso
They just say it does
That's gotta be a miserable burrito
Miserable like a Tijuana bus toilet
Jew ham with Jew salsa with velvetta is what our amerikkkka dream is based on ebot
Only the most legendary shits have occurred in Tijuana bus toilets
Maybe it was those nazi croutons they cooked in those little ovens that piss on the Jews grave
It's truly a miracle that all those kikes believe six million adults went through those easy bale ovens of the nazis
Even Charlie Chaplin was impressed
Thank god nazis figured out how to fit six million Jews in that little ashtray of those ovens
Maybe that's why Hilton puts white sand in its ashtrays
What if Hillary is some sort of creepy sex doll
That makes sense cause they can't let go of her