and they are knee deep in global trafficking…
all under magic. Spells of dominion and submission to authority. All 'kings' come with religion. As the MIND must accept SUBMISSION before the physical. Everything manifests first in the NON-Pyshical.
They are always, necessarily a package.
In FOOD, globally, cement, shoes, leather goods, etc… Eaten and processed. GONE.
Anyone EVER hear of a welcome home party for a reduced victim of kidnapping/human trafficking? Ever seen just one school, church, team, scout group, neighborhood, or any organization have a celebration for the safe return of s child?
Or seen the parent of a returned child on the news/scoial media telling all- which officials were helpful, who is suspicious? ZERO celebration and ZERO outrage on global social media?
DO we REALLY believe people re being rescued, or that just traffickers are being nabbed? Are they REALLY?