>>5139681 (lb)
If you want to expose Breibart, ask them why they never talk about the "The Lobby: USA" documentary.
>>5139681 (lb)
If you want to expose Breibart, ask them why they never talk about the "The Lobby: USA" documentary.
>>5140250 (lb)
And a video on the Jewish push for the Islamification of the Western world.
I laugh a lot when I hear certain (((special people))) telling people that the White race does not exist on one breath, and on the next one, they are publishing articles on how there is a need to "end all Whiteness".
Fucking bozos.
Don't underestimate the power of brainwashing.
He is a zionist gate keeping shill.
Ask him what he thinks about all the Jewish interest groups role in the push for the influx of Muslims into the Western world.
The comments were not anti-Semitic.
The towel head simply described the literal function of AIPAC.