Why is this board allowing itself to be controlled, emotionally? I thought Autists lacked emotion? Why is everyone turning a blind eye to "America first…after Israel"? Why is HRC and a handful of others the focal point of the movement? We won't grow as a species because several are arrested. That's blood lust.
When are we to learn how to live better? Cleaner? Higher quality? Better air, food, choices, etc? Nothing even touches on that. Lock up Hillary and everything else is supposed to fall in place. With no man or woman ever having an evil notion again.
Obviously Trump/Q are in cahoots. We knew this a year ago. Why moar air Q's and uses of terms makes everyone shit themselves, whilst everything else remains the same, is beyond me.
I have 2 more black pills left and you guys will be done with me for good. God Bless.