Anonymous ID: d65514 Feb. 12, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.5149404   🗄️.is 🔗kun




below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:


from the early nightshidt breads ago:










































spambot garbage #1












>>4949172 disinfo posted by the spambot. no vatican or payseur. only muhjew. Q said it isn't about a specific religion.











spambot garbage from nightshift bread 1:




















spambot garbage from nightshift bread 2:






>>4907713 (bot operator attempting to blend in)




>>4907242 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907269 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907276 (bot operator attempting to blend in)






>>4907470 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907488 (bot operator attempting to blend in)




>>4907833 (bot operator trying to blend in)





spambot garbage from nightshift bread 3:






>>4907041 (bot operator attempting to blend in)










>>4906932 (bot operator attempting to blend in)


>>4906996 (bot operator attempting to blend in)



spambot garbage from nightshift bread 4:


>>4905706 pb

>>4905987 pb

>>4906077 pb

>>4906123 pb

>>4906156 pb

>>4906201 pb

>>4906274 pb

>>4906314 pb

>>4906345 pb

>>4906355 pb

>>4906367 pb

>>4906377 pb

>>4906415 pb

>>4906417 pb

>>4906426 pb