Anonymous ID: 9786b1 Feb. 12, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.5149487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9518 >>9536 >>9672 >>9690 >>9911 >>0109 >>0213



Syria demands international action against coalition’s continued crimes

Syria reiterated its demands for the Security Council to take action against the crimes and attacks carried out by the warplanes of the US-led international coalition, to carry out an international investigation into these attacks, and to work towards preventing them and end the hostile presence of American and other foreign forces in Syria.

This came in two letters from the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry addressed to the UN Secretary General and Chairman of the Security Council, regarding the most recent massacre committed by the warplanes of the US-led international coalition against a camp for civilians in al-Baghouz village in the countryside of Deir Ezzor.

In the letters, the Ministry said this new crime, which left more than 70 civilians dead or injured including women and children, is part of a series of war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the coalition against the Syrian people.


70 civilians martyred or injured in new massacre by Int’l Coalition in Deir Ezzor countryside

Warplanes of the US-led “International Coalition” on Tuesday continued aggression on the Syrian territories through shelling al-Baghouz town in Deir Ezzor countryside claiming the lives of scores of civilians and injuring others, mostly women and children. Local sources in Deir Ezzor told SANA that at least 70 civilians were martyred or injured, mostly women and children on the outskirts of al-Baghouz town in airstrikes launched by warplanes of the “International Coalition”. The sources indicated that the coalition’s airstrikes targeted a camp that embraces hundreds of civilians who fled the shelling by the coalition and the terrorism of Daesh (ISIS) This massacres comes just hours after warplanes of the “International Coalition” committed another massacre in al-Baghouz village as 24 civilians were martyred mostly women and children.


Military Situation In Syria On February 12, 2019 (Map Update)

Photos showing Russia-linked private military contractors and Syrian troops appear from Northern Hama;

Israel carried out strikes on several targets, including the city hospital of Al-Quneitra and an observation post near Al-Shaab Mount, in Quneitra province;

At least 70 civilians were killed or injured in airstrikes by US-led coalition warplanes in al-Baghouz, according to Syrian media;

Government forces re-launched anti-ISIS security efforts southeast of al-Sukhna;

A firefight between Turkish-backed militants and the YPG was reported in Kal Jibrin in northern Aleppo.



Anonymous ID: 9786b1 Feb. 12, 2019, 6:28 p.m. No.5149518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9690 >>9911 >>0109 >>0213


Map Update: Syrian Democratic Forces Make Fresh Gainst In Battle Against ISIS In Euphrates Valley

ISIS controls a very small area on the bank of the Euphrates. However, the terrorists are still resisting to the advancing SDF forces. According to pro-Kurdish sources, the ISIS defense is about to collapse and thus the ISIS-held pocket will be fully eliminated.


Britain’s Air and Drone War in Syria

Latest Freedom of Information Release from Ministry of Defence (MoD)

The rise in UK air and drone strikes in Syria since September 2018 has been laid bare in the MoD’s latest responses to a Drone Wars UK FoI request.

The number of British strikes in Syria per month rose to its highest ever amount (75) in December 2018.



Israeli aggression with shells and missiles on a number of sites in Quneitra, damages limited to materials

Quneitra, SANA-A military source announced on Sunday that at 18.30 p.m., the Israeli enemy targeted Tal al-Douhor in Jabata al-Khashab, Tal al-Deria and Talet Khaled with a number of shells.

The source added that at 19.50 p.m., Israeli drones launched 4 missiles on Quneitra hospital and one of the points affiliated to the security guard forces, affirming that the damages were limited to materials.

Earlier, SANA reporter said that the Israeli occupation launched aggression with shells on Quneitra, and the damages were limited to material ones.

The reporter added that the Israeli aggression has targeted the destroyed Hospital of Quneitra with a number of tank shells and one of the observation centers in Jabata al-Khashab.


Note: Interesting to see the numbers of Air strikes on Syria by British forces but ultimately attributed to the US coalition



Anonymous ID: 9786b1 Feb. 12, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.5149553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The EU documents Israeli crimes; now it must do something about them


The lack of action to bring Israel to account for more than seven decades’ worth of crimes against the Palestinian people is obvious. “Enough is enough” is an overused phrase, but in the case of the people of occupied Palestine, it does not even scratch the surface in terms of expressing their outrage at the hypocrisy of the international community.


Nevertheless, there has indeed been more than enough dispossession, land theft and refugees languishing in camps since the 1948 Nakba; at least 5 million of them. And we have had enough of being demonised by Israel, which portrays itself as the victim, labels the real victims as terrorists and imposes laws which define it as an apartheid state.


Enough is enough when it comes to Israel’s abduction of children in the middle of the night and their murder and maiming at the nominal border of the besieged Gaza Strip. Are Palestinian lives really that worthless?


Two Palestinian children were gunned down by Israeli snipers in Gaza last Friday, shot in the chest as if they were target practice for the terrorists masquerading as soldiers. There has been not one condemnation by the so-called civilised world; an EU spokesperson, however, sent condolences to Israel. Furthermore, that ignoble terrorist state is lauded by the West, whose politicians find excuses for its criminal behaviour, including war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Anonymous ID: 9786b1 Feb. 12, 2019, 6:39 p.m. No.5149667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9900 >>0088

Venezuela’s Treasonous Coup Leader Was Trained as a Traitor by the Washington Elite


Juan Guaidó: The Man Who Would Be President of Venezuela Doesn’t Have a Constitutional Leg to Stand On





Donald Trump imagines Juan Guaidó is the rightful president of Venezuela. Mr. Guaidó, a man of impeccable illegitimacy, was exposed by Cohen and Blumenthal as “a product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington’s elite regime change trainers.” Argentinian sociologist Marco Teruggi described Guaidó in the same article as “a character that has been created for this circumstance” of regime change. Here, his constitutional credentials to be interim president of Venezuela are deconstructed.


Educated at George Washington University in DC, Guaidó was virtually unknown in his native Venezuela before being thrust on to the world stage in a rapidly unfolding series of events. In a poll conducted a little more than a week before Guaidó appointed himself president of the country, 81% of Venezuelans had never even heard of the 35-year-old.


To make a short story shorter, US Vice President Pence phoned Guaidó on the evening of January 22rd and presumably asked him how’d he like to be made president of Venezuela. The next day, Guaidó announced that he considered himself president of Venezuela, followed within minutes by US President Trump confirming the self-appointment.


A few weeks before on January 5, Guaidó had been installed as president of Venezuela’s National Assembly, their unicameral legislature. He had been elected to the assembly from a coastal district with 26% of the vote. It was his party’s turn for the presidency of the body, and he was hand-picked for the position. Guaidó, even within his own party, was not in the top leadership.


Guaidó’s party, Popular Will, is a far-right marginal group whose most enthusiastic boosters are John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, and Mike Pompeo. Popular Will had adopted a strategy of regime change by extra-parliamentary means rather than engage in the democratic electoral process and had not participated in recent Venezuelan elections.


Although anointed by Trump and company, Guaidó’s Popular Will Party is not representative of the “Venezuelan opposition,” which is a fractious bunch whose hatred of Maduro is only matched by their abhorrence of each other. Leading opposition candidate Henri Falcón, who ran against Maduro in 2018 on a neoliberal austerity platform, had been vehemently opposed by Popular Will who demanded that he join their US-backed boycott of the election.

Anonymous ID: 9786b1 Feb. 12, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.5149717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9911 >>0109 >>0213

Liberal Group in Oregon Faces $94,750 In Ballot Tampering Scandal


Far left shill organization Defend Oregon has been charged with $94,750 in fines by Oregon Secretary Of State Dennis Richardson, after the group was found to have violated parts of ORS 254.470 by turning in 97 late ballots in the 2018 election.


The investigation has shown that canvassers for Defend Oregon were collecting ballots from voters, but failed to do their duty of turning in the ballots before 8:00 PM on election night. In fact it wasn’t until the next morning that Defend Oregon field operators turned in the ballots. One of the ballots was apparently from the May 15th primary election.


ORS 254.470, section 6, subsection D states:


Subject to paragraph (e) of this subsection, if a person returns a ballot for an elector, the person shall deposit the ballot in a manner described in paragraph (b) of this subsection not later than two days after receiving the ballot.


The official press release from SOS Richardson reads:


SALEM, OR — In November 2018, the Secretary of State’s Elections Division received a complaint from the Multnomah County Elections office that two individuals turned in 97 ballots late, which prevented the electors’ votes from being counted. The Elections Division opened an investigation into this complaint.


Today, after conducting the investigation, the Elections Division issued a Notice of Proposed Penalty and Notice of Opportunity to Request Hearing in this matter. The Elections Division is proposing a civil penalty in the amount of $94,750.00 against Defend Oregon for violating ORS 254.470(6).


ORS 254.470(6) provides that if a person returns a ballot for an elector, they must deposit the ballot at the county elections office, or an official dropbox, not later than two days after receiving the ballot or by 8:00pm on Election Day, whichever comes first.


According to Secretary Of State records, the director of Defend Oregon is Becca Uherbelau. Defend Oregon is the Political Action Committee wing of Our Oregon. And there is big money flowing in and out of the hands of Uherbelau and her deputy director, Christy B Mason. To the tune of $8.7 Million in the 2018 election, and millions of dollars in past elections.