Anonymous ID: 438118 Feb. 12, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.5150815   🗄️.is 🔗kun



KAMALA KHAN, former WWF professional wrestler.




Kamala legs open to the top Harris on the other hand owns "actor" slaves, and "rapper" slaves.


They don't really experience a slave-like life because in their own minds what they say politically (the content of which is by and large a Demokkkrat feel of servitude.


Slaves are easier to control when their minds are the thing being enslaved by false information in the "news", "movies", "magazines", "newspapers"…


What if the US has since 1913 been under communist control and fake news was designed to keep people asleep and blind to the illegal activities being done by those the fake news lies and omits to protect?


What if America was since 1913 under communist control, and the "news" was to make people believe there was free and fair elections taking place (and we have only since learned of it really?)


What if America in 1913 became a "bloc" of the Bolsheviks, which was what enabled them to compel American military members to their deaths, and everyone else's deaths, because people were awakening too fast like we are now with no stopping it, but they could arrange for a mass human sacrifice in time because the internet didn't exist and so all information people considered "true" was under Bolshevik control?


What if the biggest red pill to take is that we have in fact been a communist satellite "bloc" nation since 1913?


If you check all of the Q drops, I think the furthest back Q goes in terms of a direct link between back then and now for some truth unchanged during the duration between the timepoints, is the sinking of the Titanic.


Maybe they chose the biggest passenger ship ever constructed as a means to kill their targets, because it "SYMBOLIZED" the victory of the Bolshevik takeover of America's money supply, a Titanic powerful nation being brought down and sunk because it lost its monetary independence to Bolsheviks who are more than willing to slaughter by the millions, they are sick, pure evil.


The fake news isn't showing the Yellow Jackets protests in France because their master Communists don't don't don't want that to happen here.


The commie bastards controlled the black population's "revolutionary consciousness" by spewing hatred and venom at their political chellengers, accusing them of the very sick and twisted manipulation of black population they themselves have been doing all along! They created a FALSE "revolutionary consciousness".


These cult book readers (I think this is best description of all the "humanities" courses and "economics" courses and "political philosophy" courses, at educational institutions financed by the very same Bolsheviks who just finished slaughtering tens of millions of Christians in Russia) read apocalyptic "theses" of previous generation soyboy authors that "predicts" an inevitable future where "the people" will inevitably "adopt" a "revolutionary consciousness" where they supposedly wake up from their supposedly proletariat unconscious objectification of one's entire being and existence, totally and completely dominated and controlled by the evil capitalists, i.e. anyone who is offering people money if they wish to work for a fixed income subject to change, increase if jobs well done, and then they're all supposed to suddenly snap out of it and realize ABSOLUTE WANTON UNMITIGATED AGGRESSION AKIN TO PURE SATANIC EVIL IN HUMAN FORM, MAXIMUM CARNAGE AND SLAUGHTER.


Marx wrote that's what will happen, fuck you. He didn't have time to lay out in detail what he really meant but if his political rabble rousing and puppet master choosing and attacking, oh he always said it was not enough, never enough. Evil as evil can be and nope, not enough, keep going, MORE.


Darkness is an understatement.


It's in the pits of hell on Earth where the fuck did it come from?




Old guard vying for world government communist dictatorship using a gradual "Fabian" socialist strategy of ideological infiltration first, then manipulate to then push even more fake reality for everyone else, growing over time worldwide until you can orchestrate a final coup of American sovereignty by launching a fake nuclear WW3 with very real deaths?


Michael Obama, Satan does not rule the world. It is only in your warped head. BRAINWASHED.


God rules. God always wins. Trials and tribulations. Worldwide final battle against an evil empire of human slave masters and genocidal maniacs.