anons a couple GREAT anecdotes
spouseanon and i had dinner at a friends - trump haters but we dont get into it any more - the trump rally came up though and they said well beto had a rally - and HE HAD JUST AS MANY PEOPLE! WE SAW IT ON MUHTV! keks fake news stirke again
THEN after dinner - we never watch TV but of course they do and its always on - so here is "who wants to be a millionaire" and we sat there a few minutes half watching when a TRUMP question comes up!
What was the nickname President Rump gave to Koprean leader? and this goofy couple got it right ROCKET MAN
but that is NOT the kicker! The VERY NEXT QUESTION was what is the relation between letters of the alphabet - like on an IQ test - dont recall the exact sequence but the CORRECT ANSWER WAS Q!!!!!!!!!
I KID YOU NOT - Who Wants to be a Millioniar aired tonight the 12th. KEKS