2 Eagles at Cuyahoga Valley Nat’l Park (CVNP), 2/11/19
Since 2007, a pair of bald eagles have sought out an area within the Pinery Narrows area in the CVNP and have successfully fledged a total of 15 eaglets.
The return of these eagles marks a monumental turn in the health of the Cuyahoga River that was once nearly inhabitable for fish and other wildlife.
“Like us, eagles are creatures of habit. They keep coming to this area because food is available. There was a time when the Cuyahoga River had very few fish. The eagles’ return shows the comeback of the Cuyahoga River. If the river didn’t have an abundance of fish, the eagles would not be coming back to this spot,” said Pamela Barnes, public information officer for the CVNP.
To protect the eagles from human disturbance, the CVNP has closed the area surrounding the nest tree until July 31.