Anonymous ID: 9b21ff SERCO -- WAGERING -- BODY BAG March 3, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.541659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1718 >>1721



After reading Brief 225 (February 25th) from Whistleblower Field McConnell regarding betting on mass-casualty BODY COUNTS with SERCO’s “real-time interactive wagering on event outcomes” (SICK) I had a HUGE AHHH HAAA MOMENT:


What IF…


that GUN BAG (which is pretty obviously carrying a body inside) that was hauled out by the PATENTEE SWAT team during the Florida School Massacre was an attempt to “alter” the FINAL BODY COUNT?????


(Remember, these SICKO, WICKED, HUMANS(???) are BETTING (Big Money no doubt) on the BODY COUNTS to determine “who wins” and just like any “betting/wagering” scenario, there’s bound to be CHEATERS looking to beat the odds, or in case, REVISE the final tally to suit their own pocketbooks!!!)


Here’s the extra added “odd” twist:


I think the “players” (after watching the video and most likely seeing what we saw in terms of the heavy BAG being hauled out) realized they’d been “had” in terms of the SWAT TEAM “adjustment” towards the FINAL BODY COUNT….


AND, I THINK “someone” who got “burned” sent out a MESSAGE – 9 days later – via a SECOND PARKLAND SCHOOL TRAGEDY…this time involving buses:


S. Whitehall TWP., Pa. – Officials in Lehigh County are trying to figure out what sparked a fire that destroyed or damaged at least 30 school buses….16 buses parked inside the garage were destroyed. At least 14 others parked outside nearby were damaged.


(Kind of “weird” that the number of buses DESTROYED was one LESS than the massacre on February 14th!!)

