So the logic of Barr and Mueller report timing…
Thesis has already been laid out for Barr. He will get read into Mueller (he over-sees Mueller - any prosecutorial misconduct, any inappropriate plea deals, any overlooked investigations, etc).
He will get read into OIG report drafts (it’s his department now and he has to respond / responsible for clean-up).
He will get read into Huber .. understanding the protections put in place to separate Huber reporting into Rosenstein.
If you were in Barr’s shoes, can you avoid evidence of crime? Facts lead where facts lead?
Mueller’s report cannot be issued to Congress by itself without the corresponding offset of OIG and indictments from Huber against current and former DOJ, FBI, and Admin and other personnel. The story would be one-sided.
Similarly, although there is no collusion, there may be some investigative material that points to unresolved questions hat Congress may want to look at… what must Barr do with those? Can he hide it? No. And what if there is evidence of other criminality? Like bank fraud or tax evasion? Can Barr ignore it?
Mueller may release the report.. to Barr. But Barr has a duty to his office and the Constitution to faithfully deal with justice with a blind eye. Even though people like Comey and Glenn Simpson and Strzok and even Obama May go down for Treason.. the findings in Mueller’s report must be related to Congress to evaluate any high crimes and misdemeanors (they are the only ones that define this) and, if no impeachment, whether any potential pre-Election crimes would have to go forward after a Trump presidency, if such things exist.
This is logic.
The only thing that prevents this logical course is if the current form of government doesn’t exist. And that is scary to contemplate.
So Q - is Huber ready to proceed? Or do we have to wait weeks and weeks and months and months?
Because the base is restless. Keeping our hopes up is a dangerous political game.. but not nearly as dangerous as the life-death struggle you have to deal with every day. But they go hand in hand don’t they?
Good luck Mr Barr! Defend the Constitution!