Anonymous ID: fba729 March 23, 2019, 9:54 a.m. No.5847007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller probe outcome vindicates liberal pariah Devin Nunes


Special counsel Robert Mueller’s historic decision to end his Russia probe on Friday without filing election conspiracy charges against any Trump associate is vindication for Devin Nunes. A year ago, Mr. Nunes, a Republican congressman from California farm country cleared President Trump and his advisers in a report by the majority of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Mr. Nunes said the verdict was simple. The committee took testimony from intelligence and law enforcement officials, including Democratic Party loyalists. No one presented evidence that the president’s campaign conspired with Moscow to hack Democratic Party computers or coordinate Russian social media attacks on Hillary Clinton.


On Fox News’ “Ingraham Angle” Friday night, Mr. Nunes said the real scandal is the secret effort by Barack Obama-Clinton operatives to doom Mr. Trump. “I think what you’re seeing tonight, Laura, is the unraveling of the biggest scandal in American history,” Mr. Nunes said. '“People need to remember this actually likely dates back to late 2015, early 2016. [A] Clinton, Obama operation with a bunch of dirty cops at the FBI and career Justice Department officials who are all part of it.”


Before his committee’s February 2018 final report, Mr. Nunes had run up against a concerted liberal campaign to delegitimize his chairmanship. Mr. Nunes broke off the Russia probe to create a new inquiry: FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In the process, he forced Democrats to disclose one of the biggest secrets in election 2016: who funded the Christopher Steele dossier that accused Mr. Trump and associates of various felonies. The answer: the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.


Conservatives say the Mueller decision now places the dossier in the debunked basket. The Nunes side probe angered liberals. Andrea Mitchell, an MSNBC news anchor, called him a “clown.” John Heilemann, an MSNBC analyst, said he was an agent of Russian President Vladimir Putin. A New York Times magazine article said in April 2018 that Mr. Nunes “displayed a deep mistrust of the expert consensus on reality.” Other liberal magazines have also attacked him and his family. Rep. Adam Schiff, California Democrat, who now heads the committee, accused Mr. Nunes of protecting the president. Mr. Schiff has re-started the Russian probe and has hired a chief investigator, who, like him, believes in Mr. Steele and the dossier.


Among Mr. Nunes FISA probe findings:


Democrats funded the Steele dossier as an unverified opposite research paper and spread it around Washington.

The FBI cited the dossier as evidence to obtain a judge’s surveillance warrant on campaign adviser Carter Page. The application didn’t disclose that it was a Democrat Party indictment of Mr. Trump.

The FBI presented a Yahoo News story as corroboration. It actually came from dossier creator Steele.

The FBI fired Mr. Steele for leaking to the press, then continued to use his information via then-associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr. Mr. Ohr told the FBI Mr. Steele was “desperate” to sink Mr. Trump.

Lead FBI agent Peter Strzok and his lover, FBI counsel Lisa Page, exchanged harsh text messages about Mr. Trump and vowed to “stop” him.

Anonymous ID: fba729 March 23, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.5847433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7484

FEMA Accidentally Releases Private Data Of 2.3 Million Disaster Victims


The Federal Emergency Management Agency has acknowledged in a recent report that it inadvertently released personal information of more than 2.3 million disaster victims — among them those affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Hurricane Harvey, and victims of the 2017 California wildfires. A government watchdog has described the release as a “major privacy incident,” with potential life-ruining consequences for those affected, including possible identity theft and fraud. FEMA’s inspector general said the information was accidentally released to a contractor, however the federal agency did not release the contractor’s identity as part of the report. Information released included Social Security numbers and bank information.


“In transferring disaster survivor information to a contractor, FEMA provided more information than was necessary,” said Lizzie Litzow, an agency spokeswoman, in a statement Friday. “Since discovery of this issue, FEMA has taken aggressive measures to correct this error.” While FEMA maintains that the release was not a data breach, it did not deny that the faux pas could potentially harm the millions affected.


According to the report, the data released was of those who participated in FEMA’s transitional sheltering assistance program, which provides hotels or other forms of temporary housing for survivors who are not able to return to their homes for an extended period following a disaster. “We overshared information with a contractor, but by all means this was not a data breach, no disaster survivor data or information under the program was compromised,” Daniel Llargues, a FEMA spokesman, said. Ms. Litzow added, “FEMA is no longer sharing unnecessary data with the contractor and has conducted a detailed review of the contractor’s information system. To date, FEMA has found no indicators to suggest survivor data has been compromised.” The personal information of the disaster victims was needed, FEMA said, because the program requires it to ensure that claims are not fraudulent, and for payments to be made quickly.


he inspector general’s report was released on March 15 and posted online Thursday. It included a number recommendations to FEMA, including sending only required information to contractors, and that the contractors destroy the information in a timely fashion. FEMA said the contractor in question is working to implement necessary security changes.

Anonymous ID: fba729 March 23, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.5847665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


France To Deploy Military Against Next Round Of Yellow Vest Protests


If the black smoke over the Paris skyline and charred cars and buildings along the Champs-Elysees which have become characteristic of France's increasingly violent Yellow Vest protests over the past months weren't alarming enough, things look to get much worse as the government prepares to escalate. In an effort to clamp down on the unraveling security situation, which has lately seen banks and residential buildings torched, and luxury stores and restaurants vandalized and destroyed, the French authorities have announced the deployment of anti-terrorism military forces in order to protect and secure public buildings.


Following the worsening protest situation of the past weekend (after a brief lull at the end of President Macron's failed 'great debate' initiative which pushed town halls to air grievances), which nearly turned deadly for random civilians caught in the mayhem of rioters clashing with police, the government will redirect counter-terror troops from Opération Sentinelle to focus on Yellow Vest related threats. Opération Sentinelle began after the January 2015 Île-de-France attacks (the series of al-Qaeda linked terrorist acts that began with the Charlie Hebdo shooting) and resulted in some 10,000 soldiers and 4,700 police and gendarmes deployed at sensitive sites and public buildings across the country. According to Bloomberg, French authorities have sought to calm the obvious and immediate fears raised that the move constitutes the government taking a full martial law approach of sending the military against its own people.


Following a weekly cabinet meeting on Wednesday, government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux pointed to the "new forms of violence" Saturday which he said justifies deploying the counter-terror forces. “After seeing the new forms of violence Saturday, emergency measures will be taken to reinforce the reaction of the security forces,” Griveaux said. He added this is to include “the reinforced mobilization of Sentinelle to protect official building and other fixed positions in the capital.” “Individuals have decided to attack democracy and its symbols,” Griveaux said further. And noting the different nature of the latest unrest compared to that of months ago when the demonstrations first began in November, he asserted: These are not demonstrators but rioters, and the distinction is very different. Demonstrations are protected by the law; rioting is not.


Regular police forces will still "concentrate on crowd control, along with maintaining law and order," Griveaux said, which presumably means the Sentinelle could respond to more extreme situations that unfold like acts of rioting, burning, and vandalism. Macron's government has lately appeared powerless as shocking and embarrassing (for security forces) images of the iconic Champs-Elysees looking like a bombed out war zone have been beamed around the world. The deployment of troops is intended to allow riot police to engage more aggressively with the far-left and far-right groups as well as anarchists who have been blamed for much of the violence. But some police unions have warned that maintaining law and order was not the role of a soldier. "I'm worried about how they'll respond in case of attack," said Philippe Capon of the Unsa-Police union. — AFP


But it now appears Macron is ever more ready to try a "gloves off" approach in his deploying counter-terror military forces against what Paris officials have described as far-left “black bloc” activists or ultra-radicals and anarchists who merely seek as much destruction as possible.>>5847449