Anonymous ID: e3d5bd April 24, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.6305148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6301183 PB (high post-count shill, 29 posts, scrubbed from bread, I think)

Post was a slide, but... surreality awaits the digger.

Hoax(ish) news story from

Story dated 11.22.11

M.Othman U.N. Alien Ambassador ? Not quite, but close.

Mazlan Othman (yes, really) 2-time Director UNOOSA

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (yes, really)

Othman's college education? University of Otago in...

Dunedin, New Zealand

On scholarship called...

Colombo Plan

(yes, named after Colombo in Sri Lanka)

Somebody's made a new conspiracy mixtape for this matrix?

What movie am I watching? KEK.

WTF, maybe this world IS a simulation or Purgatory or sumpin. Whatta slide!