been a while I checked it out but try:
http:// www.ahijackedlife.com/
been a while I checked it out but try:
http:// www.ahijackedlife.com/
Well said. I have felt very much the same way.
That said, having a laugh once in a while never killed no one.
Also, the feeling often of "look what the cat dragged in".
But mostly you are spot on, so I second your message.
So…Welcome normies! But…LURK MOAR!
journalists risk their careers plus being ostracized for toughing Q even with a barge pole.
Unless they are born into the circle, but then again would they only broach the subject when told to, isn't it Anderson Cooper?
remember that giant ferry in the med that ran aground and capsized quite a few years back? Achillo Mauro or something (too lazy to look it up now)? Lots of lost lives. Well that cap'n left his ship as one of the first to do so, he was never spotted to have an inch of regret or sympathy with the victims, so you might be surprised, I know I have.
That said, I understand what you're saying, and I would've thought it just the same as you do.
I've been captain on sailing yachts for many years, I've lost people overboard in storms and shit (glad to have found them back alive and well I'm glad to report!) and one thing that struck me was that "panic" as we know it doesn't look like what one would expect from watching movies ans so on. So your mileage may vary.
Seriously, I don't trust the official story on that heli accident one bit but I didn't looked into it very deeply
I think we might have to help it a little on its way to the graveyard. It might not get there on its own.
Italy goes rightwing populist but with that botoxed piece of jerky bullshit Berlusconi around (return of the zombies, someone?) we're not even close to leaving this EU.
Greece has gone leftwing ans stuff but stayed the course. Netherlands would prolly leave if they listened to the people but referenda go to the rubbish, and so on, and so on. It seems like the Belgians are the only ones left to still believe in this haunted EUSSR. But it keeps on going.
>... the hardest hit will prolly be the Greek, where Greek can't rent for lack of income, but migrants get their rent payed by Europe.
Now THAT hurts!