Anonymous ID: 2a38e2 May 29, 2019, 7:50 p.m. No.6623959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4689





I know. It is insane shit.

SSKI helped, then Triphala and neem powders daily. I still have the nose issues. It seems to get better, them bam…..back again……new location.

WE NEED TO get thousands of voices that have this to POTUUS. Just like he helped the black lady get out of prision………he just needs to be bombarded with pleas to look into the CDC research that Kiaser did that was phony under Obama admin. Read the original post and read the links of thousands of people begging for help. All the remedies and suggestions are gret…….BUT many who have this and will get this will have no $$$$ to buy and try the remedies…….most don't even have health insurance in the first place…This is bad and it will hurt so many lives. Mnay have committed suicide due to this…….go read the two links I provided and hear the pleas all over the USA…….so many states this in and all say the same thing that dr's tell them DOP. Period, end of story. Some fuckery is afoot anons.

gest POTUS admin on it for real this time around.