Link 2)
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Quelle für Bild 2—Zeugen-werden-beseitigt
Bericht über Kinderhandel seriös ??
Seite macht auf mich kein besonderen Eindruck.
Wer kennt von Euch die Seite?
Kann dass sein ?
kann es nicht fassen, aber auch nicht glauben, wer macht sowas?
… „Oma Ingrid, die aus Hunger klaute“.
Weil ihre Rente nicht ausreichte, hatte sie noch Hoffnung auf ein Gnadengesuch. Dieses wurde ihr nun verwehrt - Haftstrafe.
Handlanger eines perfiden Planes der Chasaren,
einer Illegalen "Migrantenflut" zu gunsten der Asylindustrie, auf Kosten der Menschen und der Völker.
Quelle der Bilder
Von: Watergate Redaktion 29. Mai 2018
MERKEL-Deutschland verkommt. Jetzt wurde bekannt, dass es auch in der Ausländerbehörde von Berlin einen neuen Skandal geben soll. Dies berichtet nun unter anderen der „Focus“ und verweist auf die Recherchen des RBB. Ein Skandal, der fast nahtlos anknüpft an die Erlebnisse mit dem Bamf.
Urkundenfälschung, Betrug…
Kiews Kräfte wollen vorsätzlich die Situation in Donbass vor der bevorstehenden Weltmeisterschaft 2018 in Russland eskalieren lassen, so der Gesandte der Volksrepublik Donetsk Denis Pushilin.
“Die Situation wird von der ukrainischen Seite bei der bevorstehenden Russland-WM 2018 bewusst eskaliert.
Wir sollten auf Entwicklungen vorbereitet sein.
Die Ukraine hat seit vier Jahren unangemessen gehandelt; Wir haben gesehen, wie Kindergärten, Schulen, Krankenhäuser beschossen wurden. Das sind die Provokationen, die wir erwarten.”
Zuvor sollen zwei festgenommene ukrainische Soldaten, die durch die Truppen der Volksrepublik ausserhalb von Donetsk gefangen genommen wurden, offenbart haben, dass laut einem ukrainischen Befehl eine Offensive in Donbass am Vorabend der Weltmeisterschaft am 14. Juni beginnen soll.
Das illegitime Regime in Kiew hat seit dem inszenierten und von westlichen Staaten orchstrierten Staatsstreich in der Ukraine, schon mehr als 10.000 eigene Bürger im Osten des Landes ermordet.
!! Deep state tries escalation in Ukraine at the World Cup 2018 !!!
Kiev's forces deliberately want to escalate the situation in Donbass before the forthcoming 2018 World Cup in Russia, said Donetsk envoy Denis Pushilin.
"The situation is being deliberately escalated by the Ukrainian side at the forthcoming 2018 World Cup in Russia. We should be prepared for developments.
Ukraine has acted inappropriately for four years;
We've seen kindergartens, schools, hospitals shot at.
These are the provocations we expect."
Previously, two detained Ukrainian soldiers captured by the People's Republic troops outside Donetsk are said to have revealed that, according to a Ukrainian order, an offensive in Donbass on the eve of the World Cup is to begin on June 14.
The illegitimate regime in Kiev has already murdered more than 10,000 of its own citizens in the east of the country since the coup d'état staged and orchestrated by Western states.
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Top German politicians rape and torture children - witnesses are eliminated
September 11, 2016
The Truthseeker
In Berlin-Steglitz stands the Church of the Trinity - anyone who now thinks it is a normal Evangelical free church will quickly discover during research that this "church" has nothing to do with God or the Gospel.
Every Saturday at 10 a.m. white box wagons arrive, with no inscription, no side windows and small children up to 8 years of age come out.
In the meantime, watchers are standing by at every corner, taking pictures of anyone who stays too long in the immediate vicinity, while police cars with only one man crew (two policemen are required) secure the surrounding streets.
These children, usually up to 25 children, are handed over to their "buyers" in the church and then disappear in black limousines or in the basement of the church.
Activists also observed a rented house in Suedendstrasse, which belongs to the children's trading centre, at the risk of their lives over several days. There 6 children were guarded around the clock in an apartment by two women and a man. The activists made secret recordings of the three guards. One woman was happy to tell that she had another order from Leipzig, for a two-year-old woman, and that the needs of the buyer would be very high, since the little girls would never stay alive for long. The other woman said that a toddler had recently clung to her in complete desperation, "She probably thought I was her mama".
The tape and evidence was passed on to RTL, but rejected with the words: "Our archive is full of these things, but we are not allowed to report on them.
Since it is not only since Manuel Schadwald is known that in Berlin a large part of the police covers the paedocriminal child trafficking (see source reference at the end of the article under point 1) "above all the State Criminal Police Office No. 124 and No. 125, the activists decided to report their observations to a judge at the district court Tiergarten. They asked for help for the child slaves and for a quick investigation.
That same evening, 3 black cars drove up and took the toddlers out of the house.
The children's auctions in the Steglitz church were suspended for 4 weeks and then resumed. The activists have now been investigated on suspicion of forming a criminal organization, but not against the perpetrators.
Considering that De Maiziere personally protects the German child trafficking ring and prohibits any police investigation against the paedosadist mafia, it may come as no surprise that the head of the passport office in Berlin-Reinickendorf issues new identities to these child slaves so that they can be delivered anywhere in the world.
One of the judges, who was under investigation in the Schsensumpf before Thomas De Maiziere came to his paedophile friend's aid, blackmailed parents by asking them to leave their children to him for two hours. The judge threatened parents who refused with the words: "If they don't do what I ask, I will let their children into the home, then I can send them every day….n."
Politicians do not shy away from murder missions in order to protect their "fresh meat suppliers". One of the few surviving witnesses of the Saxon swamp was charged with a fictitious manslaughter trial to prevent her from making a statement. The surviving witness has yet to go into custody and will probably only be executed if the witness dares to address the public with her knowledge of the paedophilic machinations of Saxon politics.
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( Source 2)
Sebastian Edathy stumbled over the NSU affair, but that does not change the justified, albeit softened accusations of his complicity in the paedosadist circles. In his hometown, Edathy has always been known for regularly evading children in an expanded barn. There, in the triangle of three countries, too, there were unexplained deaths of witnesses of child abuse committed by Edathy, among others. The still living witness M.E. (name of the editorial office known) was also sentenced, like the Saxon sump witness, to 4 years in prison to muzzle him. After his release from prison, M.E. again filed charges against all involved perpetrators. He is currently under massive threat again and is once again being criminalised innocently. At the moment there are over 200 !!! The case is pending against the witness.
German Foreign Minister Steinmeier also personally supports child traffickers if a part of the paedophile network threatens to break up somewhere abroad.
At the end of 2013, for example, he had the German ambassador to Poland make a call to lock up a German citizen and activist and isolate her from the press. Her own toddler, who was with her, was handed over to a well-known Berlin child trafficker in Poland to prevent her from testifying against the German child-trafficking mafia.
On Steinmeier's orders, regular telephone calls are made to the Foreign Office calling for paedophiles who belong to an older clientele or serve as suppliers to be released from worldwide prisons and to be allowed to return to Germany with new passports, as recently happened in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.
In Cambodia, a German supplier of child pornography and child sex slaves was exposed in 2015. Udo Sabiniewicz brutally raped and filmed 5 boys aged 6 to 11 years.
Steinmeier sent the Foreign Office back into the race to get the child porn supplier Sabiniewicz out of the matter in one piece. Police officers bribed him and the German embassy said that he should be released from prison so that he could be tried in Germany because of similar accusations. Nothing happened, of course.
If you consider that Udo Sabiniewicz runs the association "Pro Humane e.V" in Germany, which pretends to look after children from the Ukrainian war zone, you also know where so many European-looking children are currently available for their paedophile clientele.
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(Source 3.)
As part of the Dutroux investigation, a CD-ROM with pictures of 3,000 children of German origin was handed over to the Berlin police with the request to clarify the identity of the children. Of course this CD-Rom disappeared from the police archive, investigations were never taken up.
But why doesn't anyone look for the victims, the injured and tortured children?
Again and again it is said that investigations are blocked by "highest political circles" and the perpetrators are covered up. The reasons are frightening, but not unexpected.
quote :
"The Ministry for State Security (MfS) of the GDR has blackmailed influential personalities in Western Europe with child pornography.
This was stated by the former liaison officer between the former Soviet secret service KGB and the MfS, Wanja Goetz (code name "Grigori") in an affidavit available to the Berliner Morgenpost.
Among the blackmailers are politicians, judges and industrialists, some of whom still have influence in Western democracies.
After the fall of the Wall, the former Stasi network turned the secret service interests into financial interests."
According to research by the Berliner Morgenpost, the Belgian child trafficker Marc Dutroux, who was arrested in August 1996 and accused of murdering several girls, also worked temporarily on behalf of the Stasi. There were indeed indications that such information could be found in the Stasi material that was passed on to the American secret service, the CIA. .
The CIA had been able to secure extensive material about the MfS espionage department during the fall of communism. Due to the explosive nature of the information it contains on Western European politicians, these documents are still withheld from the public. Only secret services were allowed to inspect the reports filtered by the CIA.
According to experts, this explains why the investigating authorities did not want to solve the Dutroux case or the disappearance of Manuel Schadwald and thousands of other children, or why they were not allowed to do so despite clear evidence.
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Twenty years ago, the then 16-year-old Mandy Kopp was forced to buy Jasmin in the underage brothel. Today she is on trial for accusing high-ranking lawyers of being clients in Jasmin. She fought back and wrote down her story.
NaturalNobility Released on 24.04.2017 - Some link pages have already been switched off!
I'm talking about worldwide child trafficking. Over 8 million children are missing every year. However, not all children are victims of child trafficking. (More than 2 million are victims of the sex trade) These children are sexually abused, tortured and simply executed at the end of their "career" as sex games for pedophiles. They are also abused for Satanic rituals where they are sacrificed to consume their souls. Millions of children disappear every year Worldwide, and the corrupt police do nothing! I only know of the Third Reich where child trafficking was really fought with the death penalty. The statistics are very difficult to obtain, but then and in the occupied territories the trafficking of children and girls was reduced to zero (!!!!). Today, the political elite and Zionist elite are the driving forces behind this terrible action. One day during the fall of communism and the day of judgment, all these monsters will suffer the Second Death.
Kendall a victim of satanic child abuse testifies to the terrible deeds of these
A child trafficker gives over 400 girls he couldn't sell to have killed: - Switched off
Mark Dice reads out parts of Aleister Crowley's book "Das Buch des Gesetzes" in this video. Where Aleister Crowley describes how to sacrifice children and animals so that you can consume your life energy:
Every year, according to the International Centre for Missing and Abused Children, more than 8 million (!!!!) children disappear worldwide:… Link no longer available
Over 200,000 children are sold in China every year:
Every year over 2 million children are sold into the sex trade:
In India, 300000 to 450000 children are sold annually.
Wikileaks, Hillary and Podesta Epost Archive:
E-Post to Hillary where an employee writes how a "Chicken" will sacrifice a young man to Moloch.
Moloch, Biblical entity that demands human sacrifice:
End time children art by Jill Greenberg:…
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► Warum hetzt der gesamte politische und mediale Mainstream mit einer Stimme gegen den erfolgreichen deutschen Soul-Sänger Xavier Naidoo und die Band „Söhne Mannheims“? ✓ Xavier Naidoo hat sich zum zweiten Mal getraut in aller Öffentlichkeit ein Geheimnis auszusprechen, nämlich dass einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten aus der Oberschicht – Politiker, Banker, Staatsanwälte, Richter, Filmstars und Mitglieder der Königshäuser - in rituellen Kindesmissbrauch und satanische Ritualmorde verstrickt sinvd. Alles nur Verschwörungstheorie? Sehen Sie selbst! WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Solange wir nicht gemäss der Interessen und Ideologien des Westens berichten, müssen wir jederzeit damit rechnen, dass YouTube weitere Vorwände sucht um uns zu sperren. Vernetzen Sie sich darum heute noch internetunabhängig! Sie wollen informiert bleiben, auch wenn der YouTube-Kanal von aufgrund weiterer Sperrmassnahmen nicht mehr existiert? Dann verpassen Sie keine Neuigkeiten:
Quellen Angaben:
6) (Songtext_1)
7) (Songtext_2)
Translated with
► Why is the entire political and media mainstream rushing with one voice against the successful German soul singer Xavier Naidoo and the band "Söhne Mannheims"? ✓ Xavier Naidoo has dared for the second time to openly proclaim a secret, namely that influential personalities from the upper class - politicians, bankers, prosecutors, judges, film stars and members of the royal families - are involved in ritual child abuse and satanic ritual murders sinvd. It's just conspiracy theory? See for yourself! IMPORTANT NOTE: As long as we do not report according to the interests and ideologies of the West, we must always expect YouTube to look for further excuses to block us. You want to stay informed, even if the YouTube channel of no longer exists due to further blocking measures? Then don't miss any news: from nm./kno./mol.
Europa soll umgepflügt werden - IS-Kämpfer in Europa warten auf Signal (W.Pjakin) -
Begriffsklärung: Der globale Prädiktor - im Grunde ist es die globale Elite, sie betreibt globale Politik und legt langfristige Pläne darüber an, in welche Richtung sich die einzelnen Länder und die Welt als Ganzes entwickeln sollen. Der interne Prädiktor - das sind Kräfte, die die globale Politik und die Techniken des globalen Prädiktors analysieren, die anderen darüber aufklären und Vorschläge zur eigenen nicht manipulierten Politik machen. Die Begriffe stammen aus der russischen Schule des Konzepts der öffentlichen Sicherheit (Concept of Public Security)
0:00 Wie soll ein europäisches Kalifat entstehen?
1:24 Der Unterschied zwischen Bibel und Koran
3:24 Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Bibel und Koran
5:07 Was ist globale Politik und deren Werkzeuge?
6:21 Amerika als ein außer Kontrolle geratenes Werkzeug.
7:42 Die Lösung ist ein europäisches Kalifat.
8:34 Wozu wurde Politische Korrektheit und Multikulturalismus eingeführt?
9:42 Wie soll es ablaufen?
10:27 IS-Kämpfer sollen den Krieg anfangen.
11:12 Russland stört den Plan.
13:20 Wie man Prozesse bewerten soll?
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Definition: The global predictor - basically it is the global elite, it pursues global policy and sets out long-term plans for the direction in which individual countries and the world as a whole should develop. The internal predictor - these are forces that analyse global politics and the techniques of the global predictor, educate others about it and make proposals for their own non-manipulated policies. The terms come from the Russian School of the Concept of Public Security Contents:
0:00 How is a European Caliphate to be created?
1:24 The difference between Bible and Koran
3:24 Similarities between Bible and Koran
5:07 What is global politics and its tools?
6:21 America as an out of control tool.
7:42 The solution is a European caliphate.
8:34 Why was political correctness and multiculturalism introduced?
9:42 How shall it go?
10:27 Let IS warriors begin the war.
11:12 Russia disturbs the plan.
13:20 How to evaluate processes?