You just pulled a straight on the 12345….you are golden anon!
I-8. what does it mean past the highway?
i-0 …could be Kelly Ayotte. Eye Ought
All fake name with the famous. So, we must all look out how goofy the english language is. NO WONDER! picked as the international language.
ah lunacy! i almost hit the 23:23:23 timestamp. Call me a name!!!!
ut oh
queue the alien meme where they mock us about worshiping the sun cycle…but what else is there? Seriously? No sun, no Son.
put jussie in there with him….watch how this develops.
member his very first show….'The Mole" ?
Lt Dan's most cogent advise is to take care of your feet
more pink and white noise is the solution, then you can sleep
back in the day of developing synthesizer sounds there was a thing called pink noise
real fried ice cream is something magical, though
get some philadelphia vanilla ice cream. make balls like you would put on a cone. hurry up and freeze them. wait a day
then whip some egg whites into a frothy frenzy until stiff (as perverted as that sounds) and roll them solid balls fresh out of the freezer for only a couple seconds…into it, THEN rolled into crushed vanilla wafers, or corn flakes, or both. Sorry i forgot to tell you to crush that beforehand. But even a meth head can follow this direction.
refreeze in zero fridge. the thing has to be like a rock. then drop in a big ol' vat of peanut oil for 10-15 seconds, bopping it around to get it all happy. NO longer.
get it out the oil fast, drizzle honey, spritz whipped cream and drop a cherry on it, and watch your guests imagine you are a culinary master disguised as Pepe, or just trying to impress actual other breedable girl frogs you care about…
Them Gloria?
double buffer of oughts around your stamp makes me look at what you type….
he threatened some anons right here last month, unless that was fake that day. Are any of these people really real though?
risking shitposting but all the crushed cereals work in this scenario….nice pick-up anon!
and before i go, dutch chocolate ice cream…rolled in the graham cracker….marshmallow SAUCE…not fluff got to mix it with simple syrup to get it right as a drizzle. agape to the all time greats here as this recipe is for you