Anonymous ID: 9a58c3 June 13, 2020, 1:55 a.m. No.9595694   🗄️.is 🔗kun


REF Hello George

Make the shape the President made with that plastic thing and the left arm of the shape goes through column 53. I re-read that column and it seems to coincide with all the news the fake news isn't talking about and what is about to come. Something matches when you mirror the arms

Anonymous ID: 9a58c3 June 18, 2020, 3:19 a.m. No.9657180   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I was thinking…

If my theory is correct and Q is using time lapse cryptography (Sending an encrypted message in to the future to be revealed at a specific date and time), then Q just gave us the public key that unlocks the mystery of “you have more than you know.” It is our job now to match the public key with our private key, The Q MAP. Q was able to release different bits of the public key since the beginning. We were given the last piece of the public key when POTUS tweeted November 3. As we have seen with the May 25th Floyd clock, Q has already “predicted the future.” The public and private key match! - Well done Q team. I can’t imagine how good that felt. -

So if the key works and we now have all the info we need to use the key to unlock other messages that have been sent to us in similar ways, does it stand to reason we have the bad guys play book intermingled in the Q clock? In order to stop them we must get ahead of their next few plays. If the key is designed to allow us to get ahead of pre-ordained events, we essentially have the power to expose the plan and stop it from occurring. Again, look how the public key for the 11.3/May 25/Floyd connection trickled out publicly over a specific amount of time and days.

(My own thing – if there are two clocks in one, the bad guys don’t have the human computing power it took anons to get this far. We acted like a quantum computer as we dug for truth, the main ingredient in Q’s sypher. It begs the question. Who made the bad guys clock? Again, the key worked. A key gains you access. Access to what?)

Before POTUS tweeted November 3, even having most of the public key in our possession aside from that one tweet, we would never have broken that code. But now that we know what to look for based on the public key we received on the 11.3 reveal, does it stand to reason that we can find other hidden messages sent to the future for us to decipher and call the bad guys out before something bad happens?