Anonymous ID: c659d1 Jan. 21, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.7866144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7881 >>6649 >>8082


>Peer review of my logic

"Peer review" sounds quite weird, so this is no such thing.

But I did have a short look a what you propose and at the data you posted via pastebin. Without any opinion as to what I think, here's what I observed so far:

From what you wrote, you try to connect POTUS tweets to Q's posts "matching" the capitalized letters, and you appear to have done that using some level of "automization" or scripted algorithm ("programmatically").


After looking at the data, I was able to figure out that parameters "[q/t]_g_s", "[q/t]_g_e" & "[q/t_g_j]" are gematria values with "_s", "_e" & "_j" corresponding to "simple", "english" & "jewish", respectively.

You mark as a "match" those pairs of posts/tweets where the capital letters' values for "jewish" gematria are equal, and list 47 pairs made up of 43 unique q posts & 30 unique tweets b/w 2017-10-28 & 2017-11-24 (UTC).


Not for all of the 43 posts and 30 tweets capital letters are listed/available (17 out of 47), so at this point I haven't looked at or understood how your algorithm determined the "match" in those 17 cases.


Q posted "Map currently has 43 confirmed connections" at 2017-11-24 01:23:11 (EST, Q post #225).

In your data the last matching tweet in EST is from 2017-11-23 23:42:17, last matching Q post (#227) from 2017-11-24 16:19:45.

Thus, the last matching tweet is inside the timespan Q alluded to using present tense in their statement ("currently has 43 …"), while the last matching Q post has a timestamp outside of it.


As for the use of gematria, the values appear to correspond to some "latinized" version of "jewish" gematria (pic1) as can be found e.g. on

I've put "jewish" in quotes, for one because I'm not sure that's the correct term for it, and second because original hebrew gematria would have to be transscribed in a different way (pic2 & pic3 are Papus' tables from the french & german versions of his book "La Cabbale: Tradition secrète de l'Occident", 1892).


I've also counted tweets & posts b/w 2017-10-28 & 2017-11-24, and while it is not true for timestamps in UTC, it holds when timestamps are in EST. It would also be true if extended for one more day, since 2017-11-25 had 5 Q posts & 5 POTUS tweets.

Anonymous ID: c659d1 Jan. 21, 2020, 2:34 p.m. No.7868337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9604 >>3545


Thank you for your feedback as well. What I did was really just a quick review.

And to state my own opinion: You came closer to establishing those 43 connections than any of us clockfags ever did, if I remember correctly.

So I really like your approach, even more so since I'm into coding a little myself and believe that any consistent pattern within Q's posts should be able to withstand the "idiot-machine consistency test", meaning it should be codable into a dumb computer….

There might even be something to all that gematria stuff since, as I believe, I am not the only one who's seen "masonistic" faggotry in the ways Q uses numbers or makes connections.

I'm using "masonistic" as a kind of ironic/comical term here since anons not rarely freak out about these kind of things, when for me they are simply a (natural) historic part of the western world's cultural historic background.

So in no way I would exclude things such as gematria to be a possibility in making the "map" and those 43 connections.

Even though, tbh, I find that "jewish" gematria thing (no idea how to otherwise call it – just as "english gematria" is purportedly "sumeric", but actually nothing else but the natural sequence of latin letters A=1, B=2, C=3 … each multiplied by 6) quite arbitrary given pic1 from my previous post. Someone still has to explain to me where that came from historically and why letters j, v & w have such weird values and appear out of order when letters are sorted by their values.

I'd rather rely on the original hebrew thing, but don't wanna send anyone on a wild goose chase, and then there'd be the proble, of transscribing 26 latin letters into the 22 hebrew ones …..


However, it is intriguing to me indeed that there's the same number of posts & tweets by the day Q posted that "43 confirmed connections" thing, but of course, I haven't build the matrix yet in order to check if there's any other timespan for which that would be true as well (though that wouldn't be too hard to do using something like maple or even python).


Your observation with the multiple tweet connections of one Q post, and that those appear to also better correlate thematically was left unchecked by me, but it sounds quite promising. So I'll sure have another, deeper look into what you have done there.


All your other posts around here look interesting as well, so if you can, please stay around and post some moar of your ideas if you have/get them, and let me/us know in case there's anything I can help with (incl. coding & approaches/algorithms).

Anonymous ID: c659d1 Jan. 21, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.7871844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9180 >>0997 >>3545


>That shouldn't be too hard to do. I'll put it near the top of my list.

Post your results, once you've done it.

If I find the time, maybe I'll sit down and think about an easy way to do that.

I'm thinking that a matrix of daily differences of numbers of tweets vs. number of posts should be enough. When those sum up to 0 over some timespan ….

But be aware that has quite a number of tweets missing, and some qposts with wrong timestamps.


Also posting updated blank clocks & tweets, for those who need it.

In the next few days will also have a new version of the qclockview ready.


>I remove the "KEK" from every blank clock

Since it's our "country's" logo, you would understand, I hope, that I'd have a hard time removing it from the clock in the program?

The stamp tool in any graphics program should do the job w/o too much hustle, I hope….