Jacksonville, Florida, seems to be big in the pedo industry. Regular stories in the news about possession and production of child pornography, as well as human trafficking, including nearby Police Sergeant (https ://
www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/former-live-oak-police-sergeant-sentenced-120-years-federal-prison-producing-and) recently sentenced to 120 years for such offenses. Logistically the town makes sense as a hub, as it has a large port as well as immediate access to I95 to distribute north and I10 to distribute west.
It is also home to the Youth Crisis Center (https:// youthcrisiscenter.org/), whose logo just so happens to be a butterfly. Even more interesting, the chair of the board, Leila Sundstrom (https://
www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/potmsearch/detail/submission/5157382/Leila_Sundstrom), works for Harden (http://
www.hardeninsight.com/), which is a corporate insurance company that has the triangle swirls as a logo. Leila is also on the board at Episcopal Children Services (https://
I am new to digging and don't know where to go from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!