Anonymous ID: a8948d Dec. 16, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.7526947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7526908 Biden/Bidan is too stupid to be our guy. We have certain standards. But yeah, him saying that, to that particular crowd, was simply unbelievable. Equally mind boggling that no one called him on it.

Anonymous ID: a8948d Dec. 16, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.7527335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7527067 To hear that he received the supreme punishment would be excellent, but to actually witness it would be far better. Any and all legal things must be done to him, on TV. All traces of cockiness must be ruthlessly wiped off his face, before billions of witnesses. This evil & worthless son of a bitch, along with the equally worthless Clintons, are the most divisive forces ever unleashed on the country, and deliberately done by their money masters. The most destructive of familial relationships and also of friendships.


An anon just stated that his entire family is tards and how much it hurts. No one knows about this protracted agony better than me. An exquisite torture visited upon those who knew things & tried to tell others, but were scorned & gaslighted by a moron pack. And the perv couple and the Arkansas disgrace couple have been absolutely central to the agonizing divisiveness forced upon us, ripping apart those relationships with family and friends, much of it permanent, no matter what happens next. So let us see it. Let us finally breathe a long sigh of relief as we witness our vindication & finally see that our work & suffering meant something.