Anonymous ID: 6bafc7 Jan. 1, 2020, 12:01 a.m. No.7681829   🗄️.is 🔗kun



THEY can never stop what is within us ALL as it is within THEM as well.


LOVE knows no fear… It is the transmutation of hate/evil that THEY have never experienced.


Realize that the hate precieved is THEIR indoctrination to this world. THEY know nothing other that which has been done to THEM.


We are fortunate without fortune that will lead us to the truth.


With fortune comes a sacrifice. When one does not know the sacrifice within that THEY make without awareness …. Love can conquer

Anonymous ID: 6bafc7 Jan. 1, 2020, 2:02 a.m. No.7682153   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Because you ask I can not deny.


I am ready for a battle that exists out of the realms of possibility within most Anons. I fuck with the dark occult. This is our enemy… They deal in words and CAST sentences on you all… It doesn't matter if you respond because if you read it.. It is sent.


I combat their vibration with my words/swords…that come from the heart. THEY stand no chance when you are in awareness of their spells and cast back your love that cuts like a knife.


Wizards and warlocks my friends.


When you know what is within you.. The darkness as well as the light you can combat any digital demon.

Anonymous ID: 6bafc7 Jan. 1, 2020, 2:46 a.m. No.7682232   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We are ALL free…


Look within. Know thyself… And you will be free.


Their choice is theirs.




There is a reason this was put in the constitution.


THEY only know fear as it was projected on THEM.


Be outside of their fear by being in your heart.


Love is dirty… Love is messy…