Anonymous ID: 9c17bb Jan. 1, 2020, 5:15 a.m. No.7682475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Committee of 3oo

Target much more than the middle class.

No one will be safe. Look at how those of African descent fair worldwide. Every life is of equal value regardless of historical trends. Any concept that makes you feel superior is a tool for division. Even if some are smarter than others….Our lives are of equal value.

From middle class to people worth 2-3 million, the vast majority are invested in equity markets. Mainly DJ and SNP type diversified mutual funds.

When the 3oo target the middle class our equity markets will be first to go. I don’t know of anyone worth 2-3 million that invests in anything other than equity markets and the business they own. I do know a 10 millionaire that is heavily invested in rental properties (owning the physical property)


So that made me think. (I myself hold a securities license and have a robust portfolio) How do they preserve their wealth?


Gold- Is not easy to spend. I imagine gold sitting in a safe and never used but the owner of the gold (or any other real asset) could issue their own forms of securities. Gold makes you a target. I speculate that gold is to never be used as currency as it sets the price for other currencies so why would you ever exchange it?

Silver- In the form multi-functional tools like silverware.

Property- The gov is going to take it just like post-civil war south.

Paintings- Who is going to buy them? Perhaps after SHTF art will prove valuable.

Moving to other countries-The 3oo is worldwide….


I am thinking that basic fundamental pharmaceuticals like antibiotics and narcotics will be priceless. Also, Hardware. (Fun) The most common rounds available and as much as you can hide.

Fuel may be the most valuable.

I do think that the 3oo will try and balance. Their favorite things will continue to be manufactured.


>This scenario is not sustainable. This will be a horrific, running for your life, primal existence. Hopefully our frens will continue to restore the constitution as this is our only hope.

Gods speed sons and daughters of liberty.