Yes, let the tweets speak for themselves:
Dear Mr and Mrs America,
The Majestic 12 was a secret group of 12 individuals created by the United States Government that would operate outside of law, oversight and governance because of a discovery that took place in the Desert in Roswell, New Mexico. Join us…
Pretext/History: Prior to the creation of MJ12, or MAJIC EYES ONLY classification compartmentalization deemed "need to know" (was't allowed prior to 1947's National Security Act) the founding members were key players in events that led up to Roswell. There was a setup.
In Operation Paperclip we acquired through means necessary at the time to bring over 1,800+++ Nazi scientists, scholars, and officers. We smuggled them into the Country and gave them new identities and very deeply compartmentalized "[un]acknowledged (by you)" TOP SECRET SAP.
We learned from the 1,800+++ Nazis that Germany had engineered flying saucer prototypes at the guidance of a God in the "flesh and blood" DOING THE "BIDDING" OF THIS EXTRATERRESTRIAL. Hitler was working with this being (as we later came to find out).
Hitler was merely a disposable pawn. Now, understand that in STARGATE SG-1 the Go'uld are a parasitical reptilian race of aliens that "take a host" in order to cheat death and [BOOM], we will cross reference this in a moment.
We are not saying that Hitler was a Go'uld. The Go'uld are fictional characters that portrayed a very real truth in the universe.
Hitler aside, the leading Nazis we smuggled into the country weren't going to give up their deepest military secrets to their former enemy (we are still their enemy) so instead we were instructed on how to build a device capable of downing the navigational systems on board.
Their orders directly as assets of the US Military demanded that they take valuable action towards acquiring a German Flying Bell. Instead, what happened that glorious night was not what we could have ever believed. The truth will haunt you. We are about to explain.
The craft that crash landed wasn't just a space ship not from this Earth, but that the occupants inside had MANY striking similarities to our own homosapien or humanoid design. We had similar DNA yet their bodies were GENETICALLY ENGINEERED to perform very complex missions.
Not only did they have a different configuration of organs throughout their humanoid "doll" bodies, but they possessed organs unlikely ANYTHING on planet Earth. They were from out "there".
This gave the United States Government the opportunity to use the threat that Hitler was in league with a "God" who claimed to be an ET, but that we, the Americans, had struck gold because we know that God does not present himself before you. The misunderstanding of that term…
Your Immortal Spiritual Biological Entity (IS-BE) is your soul (IS) and your body (BE). You are an IS-BE. All life in the universe are IS-BEs. We are all the same. We are all one. We are connected together through our pineal gland. Our consciousness comes from God or All or IS-BE
We (Americans) by definition of our National Identity from the founding fathers was that we knew God was all and that freedom to practice faith towards God was permitted in ANY FORM. This posed an interesting complex web of information.
Originally, our Government fought the traffickers and the drug running and the child kidnappings… now thats all it does. Not protect. This group of parasitical bloodline families were worshiping an Ancient Babylonian [God] IS-BE of Child Sacrifice, Moloch.
We knew from prior intelligence that those who started the IRS and Federal Reserves were directly involved in ritualistic child sacrifice including drinking the blood of a child. We shall use a pop culture reference here, it's appropriate. Research Moloch 🦉.
In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Bane said:
It is a terrible crime to sleigh a unicorn.
Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive, even if you are an inch from Death.
But at a terrible cost.
You sleign something so pure,
You will have a half life.
A cursed life.
"But who would choose such a life?" asked Harry.
"Can you think of no-one?" Bane replied.
A unicorn is a [mythical] creature of pure beauty and spirit. A baby is that. A creature of pure beauty and spirit. A baby is a unicorn.
IS-BEs come in many shapes, sizes, forms, colors, abilities, etc. Literally whatever your could think of, exists in the universe. This knowledge came to us after hundreds of hours logged with telepathic human representatives communicating with EBEN-1 and EBEN-2.
We learned that the Entity controlling Hitler was acting and behaving in extremely evil behavior. This was apparent, however… we can look back at STARGATE SG-1 and compare the ORI to the tactics to brainwash their followers despite being lied to.