Sorry to burst your bubble
But looking glass is not about technology.
There certainly is suppressed technology that is starting to emerge
Related to space travel, energy weapons and here on earth
Safe nuclear power based on molten-salt thorium reactors
Gas Hydrate mining in the Arctic and on Continental shelves
Basically a hidden source of natural gas that was never counted
When calculating world reserves.
But looking glass is all about Psychology and the Cult religion.
It is natural for liars to reveal the truth when they lie by mirroring
Or projecting
Their crimes onto others.
The Cult take this to another level
By teaching their members that you can avoid Karma for a crime
By revealing your intent to commit the crime in advance
This giving the victims a fighting chance
When the victim does nothing
They have consented to the crime
Which means that for the purpose of Karma
It is no longer a crime at all.
The Cult do their reveals via psychological projection
And also use mirror reversals as well
And symbolic coded language
Project looking glass is a group of analysts
That go through films, novels, media reports, etc
And collect these warnings
Decode them, and provide reports to Military Intel
So that action can be taken to prevent the acts
For instance, the film Big Game (2014) warns that the President
Will be assasinated when Air Force One is landing in Helsinki
For a summit meeting
But looking glass decoded this threat
Communicated info to both POTUS and to the Russians
And the Russians intercepted the gang with the missile
As a result, AF1 landed in Helsinki no problem
And Trump had his summit and received the soccer ball
From President Putin
looking glass is all about methodically collecting
And decoding the Cult's psychological projections
Note: not all of this is conscious
As the cult's plans are thrown into disarray
And they begin to PANIC
Then they genuinely do reveal info through psychological projection
Unconsciously and inadvertently
looking glass collects and decodes this info as well.
It's almost as if we had a time machine
But remember what they say about predicting the future…