Anonymous ID: bab76f Feb. 4, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.8021871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1882

Washington Post Colludes with Tech Giants in Effort to Deplatform Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch For Posting Accurate Data on Iowa Voting Rolls


Washington Post and other left-wing factions have colluded with the tech giants in an effort to deplatform and censor Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch for posting accurate data on Iowa’s voting rolls.


Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Monday announced that at least eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than eligible voters.


There are at least 18,658 extra names on the voter rolls in Iowa, Judicial Watch reported citing data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in 2019 and the most recent U.S. Census Bureau’s five-year American Community Survey.


The watchdog group also reported that Polk County has an unusually high rate of 95.9% of total eligible voters registered.


The Iowa Secretary of State refuted Judicial Watch and attacked the watchdog group on Twitter.


Tom Fitton responded to the Iowa Secretary of State and stood by his organization’s data analysis.

Anonymous ID: bab76f Feb. 4, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.8021883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter cites ‘Iran & Israel state actors’ after suspending researcher who exposed new user-data flaw


Twitter, in a post so reassuring it's alarming, says it stopped possible state-backed actors in Iran and Israel from exploiting its features. But the only clear 'actor' may be a lone researcher who reported the bug six weeks ago.


"Iran, Israel and Malaysia suspected of exploiting Twitter phone number security flaw," read a headline on Sky News. "Twitter: Israel, Iran may have accessed users' phone numbers," warned the Jerusalem Post.


So what did those bad privacy-violating ayatollahs in Tehran and intrepid privacy-defying IDF hackers do this time? They exploited Twitter's "contact upload" feature to match handles with phone numbers.


"We observed a particularly high volume of requests coming from individual IP addresses located within Iran, Israel, and Malaysia," the tech giant said in a blog post. "It is possible that some of these IP addresses may have ties to state-sponsored actors."


Those are strong, click-worthy headlines, but what about evidence that the respective governments were actually involved, beyond "possible" and "may have"? Eh.

Anonymous ID: bab76f Feb. 4, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.8021896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1940

RAND PAUL Drops MOAB on Senate Floor — Reads Aloud His Question Naming Anti-Trump CIA Leaker Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko


Last week Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts played politics and REFUSED TO READ SENATOR RAND PAUL’S QUESTION on the Anti-Trump whistleblower during the Senate impeachment trial!


There is NO LAW that prevents this anti-Trump CIA leaker’s name from being revealed in the impeachment investigation!


Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was playing politics and siding with Democrats!!


Senator Rand Paul announced earlier that this afternoon at 1 PM ET he would would insist on his question which reveals the name of the whistleblower.


Senator Paul’s question had to do with the whistleblower’s contact and coordination with Adam Schiff’s office.

Senator Paul later tweeted out his impeachment question… And President Trump later retweeted him!!


On Tuesday during his closing comments Senator Rand Paul read out his question on the floor of the US Senate.

And Rand Paul named the anti-Trump leaker Eric Ciaramella during his comments!


This was an AMAZING SPEECH by Rand Paul!