>>8023552 lb
>How long are we going to tolerate their treason before we swarm them?
THAT is the question. We are organized only to the degree that we know when to move. The Plan is amazing, and Impeachment will not stick. But the minute we talk about descending on Washington D.C. we get shut down. But WHY? I was working with a tranny client in Pedowood today (I'm stuck in Pedowood for the time being), and honestly, all I could think about was how, if these abominations are allowed to continue spreading their disease and immorality, we are lost. Same with the Dems. There's no way that Q team or anyone could predict a Second Term guarantee for POTUS, so The Plan has to be BEFORE this coming election. The risk of losing is too high. So, if we don't see arrests/executions by November, I believe we've been had. Of course, I'll still just get online and continue "trusting The Plan" but only because there's no way to organize a real revolution, and none of you would join me in D.C. and I'd just die a lone "crazy". No thanks. Train of thought, sorry.