Anonymous ID: c78052 Feb. 9, 2020, 6:29 p.m. No.8086916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6967 >>7071 >>7162

The presidents misspellings on Survailence, I typed in Sir Vail, it brought up a video of Joe Rogan and Edward Snowden entitled “Sir Vail Inns”, why would Joe name a video with such a weird name? Did he not want anyone to find it? Is Trump pointing out phones are surveilling all of us. We know that’s true but why?


Why would Joe Rogan name this video Sir Vail inns, Edward Snowden interview as most people use their cell phone instead a desktop or laptop.


And I normally can post YouTube videos here but this video is not recognized. Video link below




Sir Vail brings up Edward Snowden on YouTube, how weird is that

Sir, Vail inns in 4 May shun.

Brian Musser

1 videoNo views


Edward Snowden: How Your Cell Phone Spies on You

JRE Clips