Its a cult or its just a sex traffic ring using symbology. Either way The name is part of their symbology as is their pyramidal brand.
90, 30, 60 are the degrees to a triangle, or pyramid shape. Also tesla said 936 was the secret to the universe. It has occult meaning
9+3+6=18 = 6+6+6
Masons and other cult do the same type of base shifting with their numbers. To them the numbers have meaning outsiide of mathematics.
Do you see the similarities in the attached pictures between the brand and the pyramids?
I wanted to show this because its proof they are using cult or satanic symbology
So you have two scenarios
This is a satanic sex cult and so i would use this is look at other cults like spirit cooking. Take Names and image and photos of people and do correlation searches between nxivm, spirit cooking and pedophile rings and sex traffic rings.
Or the other scenarois
These people are celebrity fagging and they were running a sex trafficking operation and couching it in satanic pyramidal symbols to make it look cool, like all the celebrities who fag the one eye horis hand sign. In which case its just a sex traffic ring
Anyway take it for what it is.