Anonymous ID: 3f978a Feb. 17, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.8163903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3941 >>4224

There are some Chinese people who were on a cruise ship out of Singapore

When the Wuhan event started

After returning to Singapore they did not want to return to Beijing

So they came to Vancouver, Canada.

Three generations from the family who my acquaintance met in a hote

But there are others, in other hotels

They are all requesting refugee asylum status from the government of Canada

They are also looking for a house to buy,

And Vancouver is a very high-priced city to buy a house

And they are saying they will never go back to China.


Sounds like something that started long before their cruise began


Are these criminals trying to escape Xi's wrath

An anon was saying in the last bread that Xi ousted the Communists

In 2018

And now the Communist Party is just keeping the name

Because they are dripping change into their society

Remember the theory that Li Ka-shing is the emperor

In his high castle in Hong Kong

Protected by the umbrella corps

So that Beijing cannot extradite his criminal minions?


It sounds more and more like the epidemic event

Is just cover for a cleanup of criminals

I have no doubt there is a real SARS virus

And that it was allowed to escape from the lab

But so many of the events that are being reported as repression

Sound a lot like surprise arrests

Because they seem to know who to round up

They know where they live


Did you know that 83 people

Who have fortunes of more than one billion dollars

Were members of the Party Congress in the picture attached?