Anonymous ID: 5b8bf1 Feb. 18, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.8179619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So we see some of the Tribes plan: elect Bloomberg, take out Assad, take out Iran, and shut down all investigations that will expose the Tribe. As part of the deal buy off the Dems with cash and name Hillary as VP. After the mission is completed, resign for "health" and this allows Hillary to be President.


The part that goes unnoticed is their obsession with taking over the State Attorney Generals. Why? In the past when jewish bolsheviks started their take over they always wanted control of the internal police. This pattern is being repeated, see Soros and Bloomberg. It will also allow them to enforce gun control with an iron fist. Finally it could be a general destabilization effort against Christian society.