Anonymous ID: d39c81 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.8179335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Travel pool report #7: Olympics committee event


We went right into the event at 5:23 pm where POTUS was waiting.


He claimed he was called by the committee as president-elect and asked to make a call because the Obama administration had never made a call.


“They were starving for love, and we gave them the love,” he said of committee trying to get an Olympics in USA. (It will be in LA in 2028.)


“I hope you remember me in 2028. You promise, Casey?” he asked the 2028 committee chairman. The chairman said he promised.


POTUS then signed a document he said was the federal government’s “total support” of Los Angeles for the games. “It’s a big deal, huh? Big deal.”


Chad Wolf spoke briefly: “The federal government and its partners stand ready to protect the 2028 Olympics.”


Casey Wasserman, the 2028 committee chair, praised the president’s leadership.


He asked Lindsey Graham, sitting next to Jared Kushner at the table, to speak: “I don’t think I will be participating, but I will be watching.”


Then Kevin McCarthy, who said he loved his state “a lot.”


POTUS then took some shouted questions:


He said he had been invited to Tokyo for 2020 games. Said PM Abe invited him, was considering it.


He was asked about LA’s homeless situation: “We’re really taking a role in it. I see it, I see what's happening to LA, I see what's happening to San Francisco, I see what's happening to some great cities … you have needles, you have things that we don’t want to discuss all over the streets.”


Says sanctuary cities are “very dangerous” and LA, San Fran had one thing in common: “the leadership. There’s no reason this should’ve happened,” about rising homelessness.


He thanked a local reporter for asking him nice questions, including one that praised his “master” showmanship. “Every once in awhile it happens.”