Anonymous ID: 9f2dd7 Feb. 19, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.8191723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1794 >>1801 >>1886 >>2030 >>2182

New Trump admin board will decide on ethics of tax-funded research on aborted babies

The board will be composed of 15 individuals who are not federal employees.

BETHESDA, Maryland, February 19, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) is soliciting nominations to an advisory board to help the Trump administration craft ethical policies with regard to the use of aborted babies in medical research.


Last week, HHS announced it was soliciting nominations of “qualified individuals” to the board for review by the administration. That announcement was posted to the Federal Register today.

“The Board will be composed of 15 individuals who are not federal employees,” the announcement reads. It must include at least one attorney, at least one ethicist, at least one practicing physician, and at least one theologian. Between a third and half of the appointments must be “scientists with substantial accomplishments in biomedical or behavioral research.”

Anonymous ID: 9f2dd7 Feb. 19, 2020, 10:36 p.m. No.8192110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2221

Australian doctors help kill 52 sick patients in first 6 months of new assisted suicide law

Australian politician says the new assisted suicide law is ‘working well’

February 19, 2020 — A new report has revealed that doctors aided in the state-sanctioned killing of 52 people in Victoria, Australia under a new assisted suicide law which came into effect six months ago.

The law allows for patients who are told they have six months to live to apply for assisted suicide. If a patient is unable to kill himself by personally taking the lethal dose of drugs, a lethal injection may be administered.

Of the 52 deceased, 43 killed themselves with the lethal drugs, while nine were killed by their doctors administering the drugs.


In addition to the Australian territory of Victoria – and Western Australia starting in 2021 – assisted suicide and/or euthanasia is legal in Canada, 10 U.S. jurisdictions, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Colombia.

Pro-life advocates have long argued that doctors killing patients or helping them kill themselves is antithetical to medicine, incentivizes insurance companies to fund inexpensive death drugs rather than more costly life-saving care, and allows coercion of the elderly.


In Belgium, children can now be euthanized. In the Netherlands, a doctor who forcibly euthanized an elderly woman by first drugging her coffee and then having her relatives hold her down was determined by a government panel to have “acted in good faith.” A court subsequently ruled the doctor had acted in the patient’s best interests.

Anonymous ID: 9f2dd7 Feb. 19, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.8192234   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here’s the story

Children beginning to be killed by euthanasia in Belgium

Since 2016, three children have been killed by doctors under the new law legalizing euthanasia for minors.


Three children were killed by euthanasia in 2016 and 2017 in Belgium, according to a report by the country's federal control and evaluation committee.

Belgium legalised euthanasia for minors in 2014 - the only country in the world to have done so for children of all ages (although there is evidence of doctors intervening in the deaths of disabled babies in both Belgium and the Netherlands). In 2016, Professor Wim Distelmans, the head of Belgium's Federal Control and Evaluation Committee on Euthanasia, issued a statement confirming the first physician induced death of a minor, a 17 year old boy.