Anonymous ID: 000000 Feb. 20, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.8193436   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3444 >>3446 >>3447 >>3448 >>3450 >>3456 >>3466 >>3472 >>3473 >>3488 >>3543 >>3563 >>3629 >>3664

Does anyone else here not trust Elon Musk and think he's a bit too involved with bad elements to have avoiding batch poisoning having drank from the same well as them?

I look at a guy like Tom DeLong (sp?) from Blink 182 and how he went about seeking passionate people to help his project then I look at people like Elon that bought there way in and hire based on merit but back politics and politicians that support societies that turn out lower functioning human beings.

Personally I just don't trust the guy. It seems like he's really forcing the uber-massive corporation when he could have used his money, not a bunch of federal money, bought a warehouse and built an apartment block next door to house the worlds most brilliant minds to just turn out amazing stuff yet he pushes shotty (many Teslas door lines don't even line up right from the factory floor) merchandise in what seems to be a push for jewbux.

I don't see anyone with a few hundred million (or whatever he sold paypal for) who absolutely loves innovation being so eager to attain more jewbux. On one hand, you have a search for God through innovation and on the other, you have a desire for material wealth which is a hindrance to innovation.

People are often polarizing within themselves and perhaps he is just a conflicted person, but he seems to put more energy into the growth of a company than into the creation of something magnificent.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Feb. 20, 2020, 3:25 a.m. No.8193465   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3485


>we have Q here to keep Patriots committed to research and sharing information

will all due respect sir, fuck you!


we were here long before Q and you cock suckers wouldn't listen! Didn't stop us from trying as we continuously, over and over, would scream at you guys to listen.

Give credit where it's due, but don't give all the praise to a military operation that stepped in after the fact. The PEOPLE did this, not them.


Thank God they did.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Feb. 20, 2020, 3:38 a.m. No.8193505   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3526 >>3569


>Pretoria Boys High

Pretty high-level elitist shit, huh? Or is there beneath the surface stuff, too?


that made me kek irl


I've thought about that as well and it does seem likely the agenda. I do and I don't like the idea of an autonomous car. I also think that it would take a group about 3 months to have a real working efficient model. Nothing new needs to be invented. I think its production is delayed for political purposes because it will put half of Amreicans over the age of 30 out of work, which would be very bad.


I doubt that, aren't we all but convinced Roger Stone is the keySTONE?


well, when seeking money you're going to go where the money is, right? I haven't seen any action of DeLong to show me he's a bad actor and I've really enjoyed what little I do know of him. I won't convict a person on their company but I think it's safe to hold suspicion. I know he had some dealings with PEDOsta but pedosta is also deep into the ayyyyy shit.

Also, consider that pedosta was assigned to DeLong to stifle any progress. There is that possibility too.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Feb. 20, 2020, 4:01 a.m. No.8193573   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Q woke everyone up

no, that's incorrect. in 2006 i woke up to the reality of 9/11, in 2008 I walked away from a 7 figure a year lifestyle because I could no longer pay into a system of destruction and hypocrisy. In 2012 we started screaming for everyone to look harder at sandy hoax, some time around there we started screaming about the batman shooting, then it was pulse nightclub, then the satanic pedophile shit came alongโ€ฆ I wasn't alone, but I was on the front lines of the losing side willing to die before I'd be shut up.

Team Q stepped in and brought some major firepower, organization and credibility, for that, we thank them, but they did not wake everyone up.

On that note, we are anonymous. We started as anonymous, we will remain anonymous. If Q and team want to take the spotlight, great. There is no rank structure in the movement, though. We needed organization beyond shitposting and raids.

I will actually be a bit let down if anyone steps forward from team Q. It would go against every special operations unit the military has ever deployed. famefagging is a diabolical sin in the anonymous world and the lack of it has done a lot to bring an unbeatable global cabal to its knees.